YBM 고등 실용 영어 박준언 Lesson 2
42 카드 | ybmadmin
a. 보통의, 일반적인
Did you know that the average person throws away about 1.5 kilograms of trash every day?
a. 10억의
Some seven billion people live on the planet Earth.
a. 엄청난, 어마어마한
This adds up to a tremendous amount of garbage that goes to landfills daily!
n. 쓰레기 매립지
Landfill waste causes environmental problems because it releases harmful gases into the atmosphere and triggers climate change.
a. 환경과 관련된
In addition to the environmental benefits these bags provide, they have become popular with young people because of their practical and unique designs.
v. 방출하다
Tremendous amounts of waste water from the city are treated and cleaned before being released back into nature.
a. 해로운
The drug was taken off the market because of its very harmful side effects.
n. (지구의) 대기
The ozone layer is a part of the Earth's atmosphere.
v. 촉발하다
The earthquake triggered the tsunami.
v. 재활용하다
Let’s take all the aluminum cans and recycle them.
a. 재활용 가능한
You probably have experience separating recyclable items, such as glass and plastic bottles, cans, and paper products, in your trash.
v. 으스러뜨리다
Recyclable goods go to a recycling center, where they are crushed or otherwise broken down and later turned into new bottles, cans, or paper.
ad. 그렇지 않으면
The materials in the bags are entirely upcycled, which gives them new and purposeful lives when they otherwise would have ended up in a landfill.
v. 업사이클하다
One of the main reasons why people are attracted to upcycled construction is its reduced environmental impact.
v. 개조하다
When an item is upcycled, it goes through a refashioning process.
v. 수반하다, 포함하다
For example, that may involve cutting and coloring an unwanted bathtub to make a sofa.
ad. 전형적으로
The upcycled item, a sofa in this case, typically has a greater value than the discarded item from which it is made.
v. 버리다
It is made out of sections of discarded concrete tubes!
n. 재료
The strength of the materials used makes the bags durable while the wide shoulder strap adds a measure of comfort.
n. 방수천
In terms of design, one truck tarpaulin can produce up to 40 different and unique pieces with exclusive markings.
n. 테두리
The materials used include truck tarpaulins for waterproof bags, bicycle tubes for edging, and automobile seatbelts for shoulder straps.
a. 목적이 있는
The materials in the bags are entirely upcycled, which gives them new and purposeful lives when they otherwise would have ended up in a landfill.
n. 혜택
The benefit of upcycling is not just that it repurposes discarded materials.
a. 내구성 있는
The strength of the materials used makes the bags durable while the wide shoulder strap adds a measure of comfort.
n. (꽤 많은) 양 v. (치수가) ~이다
Each of the tube sections measures 3.5 meters long and 2.4 meters wide, large enough to accommodate a queen-sized bed.
end up
결국 ~하게 되다
Who would have believed that he would end up a famous actor!
in addition to
~에 더하여
In addition to her regular classes at the high school, she's taking a course in environmental science at the college.
a. 창의적인, 상상력이 풍부한
Here is a picture of the Tubohotel, an imaginative building not far from Mexico City in Mexico.
v. 쌓다
Some rooms are stacked in pyramids of three tubes.
a. 기억할 만한
Though the idea of sleeping inside a concrete tube may not appeal to everyone, the architects have made sleeping inside a pipe not only comfortable but also memorable.
n. 건축, 건축물
When new materials are used in construction, they usually emit CO2 into the environment.
a. 원자재의, 가공되지 않은
Like other upcycled items, upcycled buildings use waste products, such as concrete tubes, and therefore reduce the consumption of new raw materials.
v. (가스 등을) 내뿜다
On the other hand, upcycled buildings use secondhand materials that no longer emit CO2.
a. 자선의; 자선을 베푸는
Consider the following interview about two high school students who made and sold their upcycled products for charitable purposes.
n. 열정
They say that passion and creativity are all it takes to upcycle.
a. 운 좋은, 다행한
I always wanted to do something to help people who are less fortunate than us.
a. 독특한
Through upcycling, we could create something unique that we could use to raise money.
v. (자금을) 모으다
We raised one hundred dollars.
ad. 비교적
As you know, hair accessories are everyday items for many women, and they are relatively easy to make.
a. 인공의
To make a flower hairband, you need an old hairband, artificial flowers, buttons, and a glue gun.
v. 장식하다
They decorated the backyard for the wedding party.
n. 접착제 v. (접착제로) 붙이다
Cut some wrapping paper and glue it around the paper roll.
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