YBM 고등 영어 독해와 작문 신정현 Lesson 4
45 카드 | ybmadmin
n. 고용, 직장
The tourism industry is a major source of employment and economic growth.
in recognition of
~을 인정하여, 존중하여
In recognition of those problems, many tourists are turning to “responsible travel.”
n. 책임, 책무
This approach to traveling emphasizes visitors’ responsibility to minimize such negative impacts and leave a “positive footprint” on their destination.
v. 최소화하다
This approach to traveling emphasizes visitors’ responsibility to minimize such negative impacts and leave a “positive footprint” on their destination.
n. 발자국
This approach to traveling emphasizes visitors’ responsibility to minimize such negative impacts and leave a “positive footprint” on their destination.
n. 정책
Under Bhutan’s “High Value, Low Impact” policy, the government regulates tourist numbers.
v. 조절하다, 통제하다
Under Bhutan’s “High Value, Low Impact” policy, the government regulates tourist numbers.
v. 확실히 하다
Under the policy, the government regulates tourist numbers and ensures that visitors respect the carefully protected Bhutanese culture and natural environment.
n. 비율, 전체의 부분
A fixed proportion of the money earned from tourism goes to education programs and community development
v. 설득하다
I became curious about Bhutan and persuaded my parents to travel there.
consist of
~로 구성되다
Tashi’s family consists of twelve people spanning four generations.
v. 걸쳐 이어지다
Tashi’s family consists of twelve people spanning four generations.
n. 기도, 기도문
Tashi’s grandmother said a short prayer and placed a small amount of food on the floor as an offering to the spirits.
n. 공물, 제물
Tashi’s grandmother said a short prayer and placed a small amount of food on the floor as an offering to the spirits.
v. 혼령, 유령
Tashi’s grandmother said a short prayer and placed a small amount of food on the floor as an offering to the spirits.
n. 양념 맛이 강한
It was deliciously spicy.
n. 신화
I learned that mythology is an important part of Bhutanese culture.
n. 천둥
The Bhutanese name for their country is Druk Yul, which means “the land of the thunder dragon.”
n. 포효, 함성
Druk , the thunder dragon, is a holy character in Bhutanese mythology and thunder is believed to be the sound of the dragon’s roar.
n. 혼합(물)
I was amazed by the mixture of tradition and modernity.
ad. 시내에(로)
We started our tour in downtown Thimphu, Bhutan’s most modern area.
v. 현대화하다
Bhutanese people seemed to enjoy wearing these clothes in their daily life even in a modernized city.
a. 필수적인
All of these informed me that traditions continue to be a vital part of their modern culture.
n. 수공예(품)
We visited the National Institute of Arts and Crafts, a famous art school where children learn skills to do traditional Bhutanese painting and handicrafts.
n. 시범, 입증
We saw craft demonstrations in one class and artwork on display in another.
n. 규율, 훈련, 수양
It was impossible not to be impressed with those young students’ discipline and skills.
v. 반주를 해 주다
They were accompanied by Bhutanese folk musicians playing folk songs.
n. 모임
She told us that it is common for Bhutanese people to enjoy folk dancing at gatherings.
n. 가사
The lyrics of the songs are about the harmony of humans, animals, and nature.
end up -ing
결국 ~하다, 처하다
The cheerful mood was so inviting that we all ended up joining the dance with a lot of other visitors from different countries.
n. 절, 사원
This temple complex was built as a dedication to Guru Padmasambhava.
n. 수도원
Tiger’s Nest, is one of the most famous Buddhist monasteries in Bhutan.
n. 헌신, 전념
This temple complex was built as a dedication to Guru Padmasambhava, who introduced Buddhism to Bhutan.
n. 전문가, 구루
This temple complex was built as a dedication to Guru Padmasambhava, who introduced Buddhism to Bhutan.
v. 명상하다
It is believed that in the 8th century, a tigress brought the guru on her back to this site where he meditated for more than three years.
cling to
~에 붙어있다, 매달리다
It clings to a cliff at 3,120 meters above sea level, and is often hidden in clouds.
a. 가파른, 경사진
The path to the monastery was steep and narrow.
a. 좁은
The path to the monastery was steep and narrow.
a. 신성한
Out of respect for the sacred place and the animals, we decided to walk as most Bhutanese do.
a. 탈진한, 기진맥진한
Although our three hours’ uphill hike left us exhausted, our effort was greatly rewarded.
v. 보상하다
Although our three hours’ uphill hike left us exhausted, our effort was greatly rewarded.
a. 장관을 이루는
The monastery was spectacular.
a. 상호 연결된
Its four interconnected temples are the best example of the Buddhist architectural tradition in Bhutan.
a. 숨 막히는
The view of the surrounding mountains and emerald green valleys was absolutely breathtaking.
be devoted to
~에 전념하다
A great portion of our time on the tour was devoted to learning about the Bhutanese people and their culture.
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