YBM 고등 영어Ⅱ 박준언 Special Lesson
43 카드 | ybmadmin
lock ~ in
~을 가두다
The king cruelly locked his own daughter and grandchild in a chest and set it out to sea.
n. 상자, 궤짝
The king cruelly locked his own daughter and grandchild in a chest and set it out to sea.
n. 예언
The fearful prophecy was that Perseus would one day threaten the king's life and kingdom.
v. 결심하다
The evil king resolved to send Perseus on a fatal enterprise that would be sure to get him killed.
a. 치명적인
The evil king resolved to send Perseus on a fatal enterprise that would be sure to get him killed.
n. 임무, 모험
The evil king resolved to send Perseus on a fatal enterprise that would be sure to get him killed.
a. 관례의
It is customary to give the royal bride a special present.
a. 왕의, 왕실의
It is customary to give the royal bride a special present.
a. (가능성이) 희박한
The Gorgons were three sisters, with only a remote resemblance to women.
n. 닮음
The Gorgons were three sisters, with only a remote resemblance to women.
a. 무서운
The Gorgons were, in fact, frightful dragons.
n. (굉장한) 광경, 장관
While the monsters were a spectacle, people never looked at them.
n. (보통의) 사람, 인간
If a mortal saw one of their faces, he or she was certain, that very instant, to be changed into lifeless stone!
a. 승리의, 승리한
Perseus was far more likely to die than to return victorious, so he sat down in despair.
n. 절망
Perseus was far more likely to die than to return victorious, so he sat down in despair.
a. 꽈배기처럼 꼬아진
Perseus lifted his head and saw a handsome young man, with an odd cap, a twisted staff, and a crooked sword.
n. 지팡이
Perseus lifted his head and saw a handsome young man, with an odd cap, a twisted staff, and a crooked sword.
a. 구부러진
Perseus lifted his head and saw a handsome young man, with an odd cap, a twisted staff, and a crooked sword.
n. 조각상
“You would make a handsome statue,” said Hermes, teasing.
v. 놀리다
“You would make a handsome statue,” said Hermes, teasing.
n. 일, 문제
Let us hope that this affair won’t turn out that badly.
ad. 적절히, 적절하게
Hermes told Perseus that to attack Medusa he must first be properly equipped.
n. 소유
Hermes told Perseus that what he needed was in the possession of the fairy people of the North.
v. 살다, 거주하다
The Gray Women dwelled in a land where all was dark.
v. (신체 부위에) 살짝 대다, 손뼉을 대다
One of the Gray Women took the eye out and passed it to another, who clapped it into her own head and enjoyed a glance out at the world.
n. 얼핏 봄
One of the Gray Women took the eye out and passed it to another, who clapped it into her own head and enjoyed a glance out at the world.
ad. 신속하게, 재빨리
Then before the woman could give the eye to her sister, Perseus swiftly took it out of her hand.
n. 방패
At that moment, Pallas Athena, goddess of wisdom, appeared out of the blue and gave him a shield of polished metal, shining brightly.
a. 광택이 나는, 윤이 나게 닦은
At that moment, Pallas Athena, goddess of wisdom, appeared out of the blue and gave him a shield of polished metal, shining brightly.
n. 운, 행운
By great fortune, the Gorgons were all asleep when Perseus found them.
n. 반사, 투영된 모습
In the bright shield, Perseus could clearly see the Gorgons' reflection, horrible creatures with a mass of twisting snakes instead of hair.
a. 불멸의, 불사의
Medusa alone of the three could be killed while the other two were immortal.
n. 일격, 한 번 치기
Perseus aimed a stroke down at Medusa’s throat.
n. 힘껏 찔러 밀기, 일격
With a single thrust, Perseus cut through Medusa’s neck.
take revenge
No sooner were the other Gorgons awake than they tried to take revenge.
v. 억지로 ~하게 하다
Danae was compelled to flee from King Polydectes, who was furious at her refusal to marry him.
v. 도망하다
Danae was compelled to flee from King Polydectes, who was furious at her refusal to marry him.
a. 분노한, 격노한
Danae was compelled to flee from King Polydectes, who was furious at her refusal to marry him.
n. 거절
Danae was compelled to flee from King Polydectes, who was furious at her refusal to marry him.
n. 고문, 상담관
The king was holding a big party in the palace and all his evil counselors were gathered there.
n. 입구
As Perseus stood at the entrance, all eyes were upon him.
n. 신하
Not an eyelid had time to blink before the king, his evil counselors, and all his foolish subjects turned into stone.
a. 사악한
Perseus thrust the head back into his sack, and went to tell his dear mother that she needed no longer to be afraid of the wicked king.
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