2021년 고1 2회 영어듣기능력평가 11-20번 (딕테이션 추가)
20 카드 | classcard
The Second Life to Everything에 관한 다음 내용을 듣고, 언급되지 않은 것을 고르시오.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M : Hello, everyone. I’m Matt from the student ____. We’re going to hold an event called The Second Life to Everything from June 8th to June 9th. It’ll take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the school playground. The main ____ of this event is to protect our ____ by encouraging students to reuse second-hand goods. You can buy and sell second-hand goods at a reasonable price at this event. If you want to participate in this event as a seller, you have to submit an application form to the student council office by June 2nd. I hope many of you will enjoy the event. Thank you for your attention.
다음을 듣고, 비누 만들기 행사에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.
재료는 참가자가 준비해야 한다.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Hello, students. This is Christine Benson, your art teacher. I’d like to ____ next week’s event to you. We’re going to make eco-friendly soap next Thursday, May 13th. It’ll be ____ in the gym at 5 p.m. We’re going to use recycled ingredients, such as used coffee grounds and cooking oil. All the materials will be provided, so you don’t need to bring anything. After making your soap, you can take it home. If you want to participate in this event, please write your name on the ____ in front of the art room by this Friday. I hope you will all ____.
대화를 듣고, 여자가 대화 직후에 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
외투 가져오기
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Honey, I ate too much. I’m really full.
W: So am I. I shouldn’t have eaten that last ____ of cake.
M: But the cake you made was so good. We ____ couldn’t help eating it all up.
W: Do you want me to help you with the dishes?
M: No, I just finished.
W: Okay. How about taking a walk for a little bit?
M: Well, I’d rather just ____ by watching some TV.
W: Come on. Just for 30 minutes. Let’s go out.
M: Fine. We can get some fresh air in the park, I ____.
W: Great! I’ll go get my coat now. I’ll get yours, too.
M: Thanks.
다음을 듣고, 여자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
감사 인사의 효과
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Hello, listeners. Welcome to Co fee Break with Samantha. This is your host, Samantha Jennings. How many times do you say ‘thank you’ during the day? ‘Thank you’ is a magic ____. When you ____ your ____ to others, you can make them smile, as well as yourself. Once you start saying ‘thank you,’ you’ll find more ____ to say it. That’s how magic works in our daily lives. Why don’t you start using this magic phrase to the people around you?
다음 그림의 상황에 가장 적절한 대화를 고르시오.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Number One
M: Excuse me. Could you ____ up your chair a little bit?
W: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.

W: Number Two
M: Sorry, ma’am. You cannot park here.
W: Really? Where can I ____ then?

W: Number Three
M: Hello. I booked a room for two nights.
W: Let me check your ____. Your name, please?

W: Number Four
M: Look! There’s a ____ next to the hotdog stand.
W: Why don’t we take a seat and rest?

W: Number Five
M: Could you take my picture with this camera?
W: Of course. Stand in ____ of that tree.
대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Man: ______________________________________
Alright. I’ll be there by then.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

[ Cellphone rings.]
W: Hi, Dad.
M: Hey, Cathy. Your basketball ____ finishes at 6 o’clock, right?
W: Yes. Why do you ask?
M: I can pick you up today.
W: Really? Didn’t you say that you were going to meet someone for dinner?
M: It’s been canceled. So, I can be there by 6.
W: Well, my teammates and I are going to watch a movie at the Lakeside Mall after practice.
M: I see. If you need a ____ home, I can pick you up after the movie ends.
W: Thanks. That’ll be great! The movie will end ____ 8:30.
대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Man: ______________________________________
You can send me your file by email instead.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

[ Telephone rings.]
M: Hello?
W: Hello, Mr. Park. I’m Yuna in your online English class. I’m having trouble uploading my assignment.
M: What kind of ____ are you having?
W: The website keeps showing an error message every time I try to upload a file.
M: Oh, I see. Maybe it’s too big then. What’s the size of your file?
W: It’s about 100 megabytes.
M: I think that’s the ____. The ____ size for uploading files on our online classroom is 50 megabytes.
W: Then, how can I ____ my ____?
대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Woman: ______________________________________
Thanks for letting me know in advance.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

[ Doorbell rings.]
M: Hello. I’m your new upstairs neighbor in 203.
W: Nice to meet you. What can I do for you?
M: I just wanted to let you know that my ____ is going to be remodeled starting from next week. So, it ____ be a bit noisy.
W: I see. How long will it take?
M: If everything goes as planned, it should only take two weeks.
W: Okay. What time will the remodeling take place?
M: It’ll take place between 10 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon on weekdays only.
W: Oh, good! I’m out to work during those hours. Why don’t you post a ____ on the ____ to let everyone else know?
M: I already did. I just wanted to tell you in person.
대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Woman: ______________________________________
I think we can add 2 or 3 cakes or ice cream to our menu.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Sally, are you done with everything in the kitchen?
W: Yes, Manager Collins. It’s been a long day.
M: All the food was great today. I really ____ everything you do for our restaurant.
W: Thank you for saying that. The restaurant’s opening week was ____ successful, wasn’t it?
M: Definitely. We exceeded our expected customer numbers, and the restaurant was fully booked last Sunday.
W: How did the customers ____ to our dishes? 
M: They were satisfied with all the dishes and dessert items on our menu. And some said they were going to post our restaurant on their social media.
W: That’s great news! Anything ____?
M: Well, some said we should have more dessert items. How can we ____ our menu?
다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Alice가 Patrick에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Alice: Patrick, ______________________________________
why don’t you sign up for the computer science workshop?
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Alice is going to register for the computer science workshop that’ll be held at the local youth ____ center next Saturday. She wants to search for as much information as ____ about big data and related jobs. She is excited to participate in the data programming session at the workshop. She finds out that her friend, Patrick is also interested in this field. So, she would like to ____ that Patrick register for the workshop. In this ____, what would Alice most likely say to Patrick?

Alice: Patrick
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