2018년 고2 2회 영어듣기능력평가 11-20번 (딕테이션 추가)
20 카드 | classcard
대화를 듣고, 남자가 교무실에 가야 하는 이유로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
빌린 우산을 돌려줘야 해서
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Justin, did you finish your club ____?
M: Yes, I just finished. How about you?
W: Me, too. Let’s go home together.
M: Okay. But I should drop by the teachers’ office first.
W: Do you need to see our Korean teacher? I heard he was waiting for you
to bring your classmates’ reading ____.
M: I already did. Actually I need to see Mr. Lee, our English teacher.
W: Why? Did you forget to submit your writing assignment?
M: No. I’m going to return this umbrella to him. It rained a lot yesterday and he lent me his ____.
W: Oh, it was very kind of him to do so.
M: Give me one second, please. I’ll be back right away.
W: Take your time. I’ll wait here.
대화를 듣고, 여자가 지불할 총 금액을 고르시오.
$ 90
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Hi. I’m looking for some socks for my ____.
M: Okay, we have many styles in stock. How about these dot-patterned socks?
W: They look good. How much are they?
M: They’re $10 a ____, but we offer 20% off if you buy five pairs or more.
W: Oh, that’s a good ____. I’ll take five then.
M: Okay. Is there anything else you need?
W: Do you also have gloves?
M: Yes, ma’am. We have ____ and wool gloves here.
W: I like this pair of leather gloves. How much are they?
M: They’re $50.
W: Is there also a discount on the gloves?
M: I’m sorry. There’s no ____ on the gloves at the moment.
W: It’s all right. I’ll take them anyway. Here’s my credit card.
대화를 듣고, Young Writers Workshop에 관해 언급되지 않은 것을
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Rachel, I saw a poster for the Young Writers ____. I think we can
learn useful writing skills there. Are you interested?
W: Of course. When will the workshop be held?
M: Well, I’m not sure. Let’s check their website.
W: Okay. [Typing sound] It says it’ll be held on April 21 and 22.
M: Oh, good. Since it’s the weekend, we can go there. Where will it take place?
W: It’ll be held at the convention center.
M: Perfect. It’s close to my place. What kind of programs are ____?
W: There are special ____ from rising female writers. There’s also a
writing clinic where we can get feedback on our writing.
M: That’ll be great for us. Look! It says here we don’t have to pay the ____ fee.
W: Awesome. Let’s do it.
Jojo’s Journey에 관한 다음 내용을 듣고, 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.
다음 주 목요일에 개봉된다.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

Welcome to Movie Paradise. I’m your ____, Tina Wiley. Today, I’d like
to introduce an upcoming movie, Jojo’s ____. This is an ____
which anyone from children to adults can enjoy. Jojo’s Journey is the
story of a teenage boy, Jojo, who is a musician playing a magical guitar.
You can follow his journey around the world as he tries to find his
parents. His adventure is full of wonder and ____ events. The voice of
Jojo is played by a 12-year-old boy, Aaron Gonzalez, making his film
____ in this movie. Next Friday is opening day. Enjoy the beautiful
music and the interesting story. Tomorrow, I’ll introduce another fun movie. Bye for now.
다음 표를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 선택할 옷을 고르시오.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Sarah, can you give me a little help?
W: Sure, Michael. What do you need?
M: I need to decide on our club shirts. And I just found an online shop.
W: Good. What should we do first?
M: We have to choose the ____ of shirt, hoodies or T-shirts.
W: We bought T-shirts last year. Why don’t we try a different type?
M: I agree. And I guess a darker color would be better than a brighter one, right?
W: Yeah. We definitely shouldn’t choose white because it gets dirty very easily.
M: Okay. Dark colors then, not white. Are we going to print ____ on the back of the shirts?
W: No. Most members are ____ the idea of printing text.
M: Then we only have one option left.
W: Okay. Let’s order this one.
대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을
Right. It’s better to be safe than to regret it later.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Brian, how’s planning for your backpacking trip to Europe going?
M: So far so good, Mom. I booked a flight, and made reservations for my ____.
W: Great. It’s your first time traveling abroad alone. You have to
    double-check everything ____.
M: I see. Is there anything else I should do for the backpacking trip?
W: Hmm, did you get travel ____?
M: No. Do you think I need it?
W: Of course. It’ll be helpful if you have to see a doctor during the trip.
M: But I’m healthy. I won’t get sick that easily.
W: Nobody can see into the future. Plus, just in case your belongings are
    stolen, the insurance will help.
M: I see your point. Then I’ll make sure to prepare for all the ____.
대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을
I see. I’ll try your suggestion to break my bad cycle.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Ted, you look so tired! What happened to you?
M: I couldn’t sleep a wink last night. My sleep cycle is bad these days.
W: A bad sleep cycle? Can you ____?
M: These days I drink a lot of coffee to stay ____ at work. But because of
it, I can’t sleep at night.
W: And the next day you’re tired and drink too much coffee again, right?
M: Yes. It’s not easy to stop drinking so much ____, though.
W: Why don’t you drink water instead of coffee when you’re tired? It could
help you.
M: Drink water? Why do you think so?
W: Drinking water refreshes your brain by helping blood ____.
M: That’s interesting. Do you mean that I don’t have to drink coffee to stay awake?
W: That’s right. That way you can sleep better at night.
다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Linda가 Jason에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것을
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes while performing.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

Linda is the leader of a school ____ club. This ____ Linda and
her club members are volunteering at a local nursing home. They plan to
hold a special event for the ____ on Parent’s Day. While planning, she
remembers her classmate Jason is good at magic. She believes the elderly
will be pleased if Jason does some magic at the event. She asks Jason to
perform, but Jason is hesitant because he’s ____ of making mistakes.
However, Linda knows Jason practices a lot and that he’ll ____ well.
So Linda wants to tell Jason that he doesn’t have to worry. In this
situation, what would Linda most likely say to Jason?
다음을 듣고, 물음에 답하시오.
여자가 하는 말의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
식품에 관한 잘못된 상식
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

Hello, Healthy Always listeners. I’m Dr. Jessica Parker. Do you know
there are many common food myths that are untrue? The first one is
about eggs. Many people believe eggs contain a high level of ____
and should be avoided. But doctors say eggs don’t really have ____
effects. Another common myth is potatoes are bad for our diet because
they have lots of carbohydrates. But the truth is potatoes are a
low-calorie food and good for our diet. Next, ____ is widely believed to
have lots of cholesterol and to cause heart ____. But, in fact, they have
plenty of good cholesterol and can be good for your heart. The last myth
is the skin of chicken should be removed to lower the fat and calories.
But for balanced nutrition, the chicken skin should be kept on. I hope this
information will help you throw away the old-school thinking and keep a
more healthy and balanced diet.
다음을 듣고, 물음에 답하시오.
언급된 식품이 아닌 것을 고르시오.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

Hello, Healthy Always listeners. I’m Dr. Jessica Parker. Do you know
there are many common food myths that are untrue? The first one is
about eggs. Many people believe eggs contain a high level of cholesterol
and should be avoided. But doctors say eggs don’t really have harmful
effects. Another common ____ is potatoes are bad for our diet because
they have lots of ____. But the truth is potatoes are a
low-calorie food and good for our diet. Next, shrimp is widely believed to
have lots of cholesterol and to cause heart disease. But, in fact, they have
plenty of good cholesterol and can be good for your heart. The last myth
is the skin of chicken should be removed to lower the fat and calories.
But for balanced ____, the chicken skin should be kept on. I hope this
information will help you throw away the old-school thinking and keep a
more healthy and ____ diet.
듣기시험도 간단히 만들어 학생들에게 출제하세요.
자동채점은 기본, 오답만 다시 풀 수 있습니다.

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