Grammar Inside L3 [2015] - C10 U1-3
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If I knew her problem, I could help her. (← As I don’t know her problem, I can’t help her.)
내가 그녀의 문제를 안다면 그녀를 도울 텐데.
If I had a million dollars, I would buy a yacht.
내가 백만 달러를 갖는다면, 요트를 살 것이다.
If I were you, I would finish my homework before going out.
내가 너라면 나가기 전에 숙제를 마칠 것이다.
If I had reserved the ticket online, I would have gotten a discount. (← As I didn’t reserve the ticket online, I didn’t get a discount.)
내가 온라인으로 표를 예매했다면, 할인을 받았을 텐데.
If I had not gained weight, I could wear these jeans now. (← As I gained weight, I can’t wear these jeans now.)
내가 체중이 늘지 않았더라면, 이 청바지를 지금 입을 수 있을 텐데.
I’ve never had my own room. I wish I had my own room. (← I’m sorry I don’t have my own room.)
나는 내 방을 가져본 적이 없다. 내 방이 있으면 좋겠다.
My grades are bad. I wish I had studied harder for the exams. (← I’m sorry I didn’t study harder for the exams.)
내 성적이 나쁘다. 시험을 위해 더 열심히 공부했으면 좋았을걸.
Julie explains the concept as if she were a teacher. (← In fact, Julie is not a teacher.)
Julie는 마치 그녀가 선생님인 것처럼 그 개념을 설명한다.
Jake talks as if he had lived in New York for a long time. (← In fact, Jake didn’t live in New York for a long time.)
Jake는 마치 뉴욕에 오랫 동안 살았던 것처럼 말한다.
It’s time you went to bed. It’s very late.
네가 자러 갈 시간이다. 아주 늦었어.
Without[But for] love, life would be meaningless. (← If it were not for love, …)
사랑 없이는 삶은 무의미할 것이다.
Without[But for] his goal, we would have lost the soccer game. (← If it had not been for his goal, …)
그의 목표가 아니었다면, 우리는 축구 경기를 졌을 것이다.
Were I a magician, I would fly home. (← If I were a magician, ...)
내가 마법사라면 집까지 날아갈 텐데.
Had I known about that ski camp, I would have gone. (← If I had known about that ski camp, ...)
스키 캠프에 대해 알았더라면, 내가 갔을 텐데.
It would be silly to argue about that. (← ... if we argued about that.)
그것에 대해 다투는 것은 어리석을 것이다.
A good friend would forgive you for making such a mistake. (← If he/she were a good friend, he/she would forgive you …)
좋은 친구라면 그런 실수를 한 것에 대해 너를 용서할 것이다.
With your help, I could finish the project earlier. (← If you helped me, ...)
당신의 도움으로 저는 그 프로젝트를 더 일찍 끝낼 수 있었어요.
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