2019년 고3 7월 모의고사
28 카드 | classcard
Dear Mr. Brandson,

Last week I returned to Chipchester after ten relaxing days on your ‘Barbados Escape Tour’. Except for the swimming pool, the facilities at the Barbados Sun Resort were excellent, and equal to your usual high standard. Unfortunately, for the whole of my time at the Barbados resort, extensive repairs were being carried out at the swimming pool and it could not be used. It is not my nature to complain, but I do feel that the use of a pool is very important to an English tourist who cannot enjoy swimming in England because of the unpleasant weather. I believe it is your responsibility to inform guests about repairs that may negatively affect their stays. I hope this kind of inconvenience will not happen again.

Yours sincerely,
Chris Bauer
수영장을 이용하지 못한 것을 불평하려고
My father’s face was stern as he watched me slowly climb down from the kitchen roof. “Explain yourself, son.” His commanding voice was so full of authority it made me stand up straight like a tin soldier. What could I say in my own defence? I replied, “We don’t have a Christmas tree. All I wanted was to make one. I am truly sorry, Father.” My heart was racing so fast I could barely hear myself talking. I waited for my father to calculate the severity of punishment. And then he looked away for a moment, and I realized his stern look had melted from his face, and there was a smile on his lips. He came closer. I relaxed as he stroked my head and affectionately said, “Well done, my boy. Well done!”
nervous → relieved
During a time of stress or change, as parents, we want to protect our children. This is a normal parental instinct, and it’s an appropriate behavior. But it’s during this time of protection that we, without realizing it, take power away from our children. It helps to give your child practice in making decisions. A good place to start is to ask questions to help them decide a course of action to take so they feel they did everything they could to prepare. Regrettably, at times, the plan may not go as intended, but you have to let your child experience the natural consequences and learn from these little mistakes. This is so difficult to do because we never want to see our children suffer, but these little learning experiences actually make them feel more empowered.
자녀가 직접 결정을 내리고 그 결과로부터 배우게 하라.
If you were pushing yourself appropriately and have evaluated yourself rigorously, then you will have identified errors that you made. A critical part of self­-evaluation is deciding what caused the errors. Average performers believe their errors were caused by factors outside their control: My opponent got lucky; the task was too hard; I just don’t have any natural ability for this. Top performers, by contrast, believe they are responsible for their errors. Note that this is not just a difference of personality or attitude. The best performers have set highly specific, technique-­based goals and strategies for themselves; they have thought through exactly how they intend to achieve what they want. So when something doesn’t work, they can relate the failure to specific elements of their performance that may have misfired. Research on champion golfers, for example, has uncovered precisely this pattern. They’re much less likely than average golfers to blame their problems on the weather, the course, or chance factors. Instead they focus relentlessly on their own performance.
높은 성취를 보이는 사람들은 잘못의 원인을 자신에게서 찾는다.
An object at rest tends to stay at rest. To change is to learn something new, to think differently, to act differently, and to move in a new direction. Great ideas, great people, and great projects have fallen victim to resistance to change. Resistance to change means people are working hard to protect the status quo. When people who resist are ignored or pushed aside, they become formidable opposition. In order to succeed at change, resistance and the people who resist should be viewed differently. Here’s why: Resistance is a natural part of the change process and exists in many forms. People resist for different reasons and in different ways. To master change, you must first understand the personal, structural, and physiological reasons people resist. When you understand resistance, you can learn to expect it and even use it to your advantage. Understanding and managing resistance is critical when you are promoting change.
*status quo: 현재 상태  
**formidable: 감당할 수 없는
importance of appreciating resistance for successful change
Taste is crucial to our survival. In a way, one might think of it as the most important of our senses―helping us to distinguish between that which is nutritious and that which may be poisonous. And yet, on closer inspection, it turns out not to be so important, at least not in terms of perception. While more than half of the brain is involved in processing what we see, only something like 1% of the cerebral cortex is directly involved in taste perception. The reason for this is that our brains pick up on the statistical regularities of the environment, and so we learn to predict the likely taste and nutritional properties of potential foodstuffs on the basis of other sensory cues, such as color and smell. This allows us to assess the likely consequences of ingesting a whole host of different foods without necessarily having to stick them into our mouths first in order to determine what they taste like.  
*cerebral cortex: 대뇌 피질  
**ingest: 섭취하다
How We Perceive Foods Without Tasting Them
The table above shows the worldwide wearable technology retail market value from 2014 to 2018. ①The retail market value of each type of technology increased during the five years, and the total wearable technology retail market value increased more than ten times from 2014 to 2018. ②Of the four types of wearable technology listed, the retail market value of Smart Glasses was the smallest in 2014, but it increased more than four times in 2015. ③While the retail market value of Smart Watches increased the most between 2014 and 2018, that of Heart Rate Monitors increased the least. ④The retail market value of Fitness & Activity Trackers was the second largest in 2014, and it was the second smallest every year after that. ⑤Though the retail market value of Smart Watches was the largest in 2018, it was less than half the total retail market value of wearable technology for that year.
Charles Grant Allen was born near Kingston, Ontario, Canada. His father was a minister and his mother the daughter of a French nobleman. Allen was educated at home as a child. After his family returned to Europe, he attended King Edward’s School in Birmingham, England. He got married in 1868 and graduated from Oxford University three years later. His wife’s health was frail, and Allen held various teaching positions to help pay for her medical care. He was a professor of logic at Queens College in Jamaica for several years, then in 1876 returned to England and began writing for the London Daily News. During the 1880s Allen began publishing his fiction such as Strange Stories, The Devil’s Die, and his best­-known work, The Woman Who Did. A versatile writer, Allen also published books of poetry, philosophical essays, and popular science.
*versatile: 다재다능한
1876년에 영국을 떠나 자메이카에서 논리학을 가르쳤다.
용지가 걸리면 전원을 끄고 수동으로 빼내야 한다.
캠프 기간 중 매일 다른 강사가 가르친다.
The idea that hypnosis can put the brain into a special state, ①in which the powers of memory are dramatically greater than normal, reflects a belief in a form of easily unlocked potential. But it is false. People under hypnosis generate more “memories” than they ②do in a normal state, but these recollections are as likely to be false as true. Hypnosis leads them to come up with more information, but not necessarily more accurate information. In fact, it might actually be people’s beliefs in the power of hypnosis that ③leads them to recall more things: If people believe that they should have better memory under hypnosis, they will try harder to retrieve more memories when hypnotized. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know ④whether the memories hypnotized people retrieve are true or not—unless of course we know exactly what the person should be able to remember. But if we ⑤knew that, then we’d have no need to use hypnosis in the first place!
*hypnosis: 최면
One factor contributing to students’ difficulty in making accurate judgments of their own knowledge is hindsight bias: the tendency to assume once something happens that one knew all along that it was going to happen. When students receive feedback suggesting that their knowledge is incomplete, such as getting an exam item (A) incorrect / right, they may respond by telling themselves that they actually did know the information. Although they do not have a strong grasp of the material, they feel as if they do because they recognize something about the item content. Looking back, once they know the answer, the solution seems obvious. This feeling of (B) familiarity / novelty can lead students to have an exaggerated sense of what they know. Hindsight bias therefore (C) diminishes / reinforces the feeling that their failure was due to the nature of the assessment rather than the nature of their knowledge―which makes it more difficult for them to learn from feedback.
incorrect …… familiarity …… reinforces
Think of the world as a premature baby in an incubator. The baby’s health status is extremely bad and her breathing, heart rate, and other important signs are tracked constantly so that changes for better or worse can quickly be seen. After a week, she is getting a lot better. On all the main measures, she is improving, but she still has to stay in the incubator because her health is still critical. Does it make sense to say that the infant’s situation is improving? Yes. Absolutely. Does it make sense to say it is bad? Yes. Absolutely. Does saying “things are improving” imply that everything is fine, and we should all relax and not worry? No, not at all. Is it helpful to have to choose between bad and improving? Definitely not. It’s both. That is how we must think about the current state of the world.
having signs of getting better, but still not in good condition
A term like social drinker was itself what we might call “socially constructed.” When a social drinker was caught driving drunk, it was seen as a single instance of bad judgment in an otherwise exemplary life, but this was rarely the case. Experts liked to point out that persons caught driving drunk for the first time had probably done so dozens of times before without incident. The language chosen to characterize these particular individuals, however, reflected the ____________ way that society viewed them. The same could be said for the word accident, which was the common term used to describe automobile crashes well into the 1980s. An accident implied an unfortunate act of God, not something that could―or should―be prevented.
Interconnectivity doesn’t mean inclusivity. On the contrary, it may produce a Balkanization of views that harshens political discourse and supports or hardens extremist views. There is little sign that the Internet or social media   ______________________________ ; in some ways they are set up to insulate us from dissent or challenge, for example, by offering to personalize news feeds. It used to take some effort to find Holocaust-­denying pseudohistory; now it’s one click away. Just as information technologies may serve to amplify existing prejudices and misconceptions, so they amplify inequality. In business and trade, in arts and entertainment and fame, markets have become ever more inclined toward “winner takes all.” This, psychological studies show, is precisely what to expect from rating systems in which you can easily see what choices others are making.
*Balkanization: (국가·지역 등의) 분열, 발칸화
**pseudohistory: 가짜 역사, 유사역사학
encourages broadmindedness and debate
Big corporations feel very evil to us now, the natural targets of blame for low­-paying jobs, environmental abuse and sickening ingredients. But Adam Smith knew there was an unexpected, and more important, element responsible for these ills: our taste. Collectively, it is we, the consumers, who opt for certain kinds of ease and excitement over others. And once that basic fact is in place, everything else follows it. It’s not companies that primarily degrade the world. It is our appetites, which they merely serve. As a result, the reform of capitalism entirely depends on an odd­-sounding, but critical task: the education of the consumer. We need to be taught to want better quality things and pay a proper price for them, one that reflects the true burden on workers and the environment. A good capitalist society doesn’t therefore just offer customers choice, it also spends a considerable part of its energies educating people about how to exercise this choice in judicious ways. Capitalism needs to be saved by _______________________.
*judicious: 분별력 있는
elevating the quality of demand
The author is superficially understood to be the creative, and individual, source of a written text. The idea that there is a unique creator of a text, and that the task of reading is, in consequence, a more or less passive process of recovering his or her intentions and meanings, has been variously challenged. Nineteenth­century hermeneuticians, notably Wilhelm Dilthey, challenged the assumption that the author had any privileged insight into the meaning of his or her text by critically examining the active process entailed in reading, and thus the need to construct rather than merely to recover meaning from a text. In effect, the author’s self­understandings are exposed as merely _____________________________. In aesthetics, criticism of the ‘intentional fallacy’ holds that interpretation of a work of art cannot claim to be definitive or authoritative by having recovered the author’s intentions. Challenging the author’s status thereby pushes aesthetic reflection towards the intrinsic qualities of the artwork or text, and at the extreme undermines the possibility of there being a single, definitive or correct reading.
*hermeneutician: 해석학자
one more interpretation of the text among many others
Geography greatly restricted colonial communications. ①Even the simplest postal network requires some sort of transportation system, but such was the difficulty of simply getting from point A to point B, especially overland, that it was easier for residents of Massachusetts and the Carolinas to sail to Great Britain than to visit each other. ②Whenever possible, colonists and their communiqués floated to their destinations on the boats and rafts that plied the rivers and the winding coast. ③Otherwise, they traveled by foot or horseback along trails unfit for wheeled vehicles that had been created by game animals and the Indians who hunted them. ④Since wheels were made of wood, they needed frequent repairs, which made wheel makers important tradesmen in colonial towns. ⑤In a vicious circle, the awful roads interrupted intercolonial communications, which further developed the provinces’ sense of isolation and autonomy, only worsening the chances of unified transportation and postal networks.
*communiqué: 공식 발표  
**ply: 다니다, 왕복하다
Building resilience depends on the opportunities children have and the relationships they form with parents, caregivers, teachers, and friends. [/bold]

(A) They grew up in environments with severe poverty, alcohol abuse, or mental illness, and two out of three developed serious problems by adolescence and adulthood. Yet despite these extreme hardships, a third of the kids matured into “competent, confident, and caring young adults” with no record of delinquency or mental health problems.

(B) We can start by helping children develop four core beliefs: they have some control over their lives; they can learn from failure; they matter as human beings; and they have real strengths to rely on and share. These four beliefs have a real impact on kids. One study tracked hundreds of at-­risk children for three decades.

(C)These resilient children shared something: they felt a strong sense of control over their lives. They saw themselves as the masters of their own fate and viewed negative events not as threats but as challenges and even opportunities.

*resilience: 회복탄력성  **delinquency: 범죄
Most scientists attribute extraordinary memory performance to an enhanced ability to associate or organize the information to be memorized, rather than true photographic memory.[/bold]

(A) Thus, by changing the “rules” of the game, researchers revealed that the remarkable capacity of these players to memorize visual information specific to chess (possibly the very reason these individuals are gifted at chess) was not the equivalent of photographic memory.

(B) For example, many expert chess players possess a remarkable capacity to recall the position of chess pieces at any point from a game. The ability to retain an accurate mental image of the chessboard permits these players to play multiple boards at a time―even while they are blindfolded!

(C) It was not surprising, then, when researchers observed that expert chess players have a much greater aptitude to remember chessboard patterns compared to test subjects who do not play chess. However, if researchers challenged the expert chess players with randomly generated board patterns, the expert players were no better than novice chess players at recalling chessboard patterns.
Russian poets whose work circulates in privately copied typescripts do that, as did Emily Dickinson.[/bold]

To say that the artist must have the cooperation of others for the art work to occur as it finally does does not mean that he cannot work without that cooperation. (①) The art work, after all, need not occur as it does, but can take many other forms, including those which allow it to be done without others’ help. (②) Thus, though poets do depend on printers and publishers, one can produce poetry without them. (③) In both cases, the poetry does not circulate in conventional print because the artist would not accept the censorship or rewriting imposed by those who would publish the work. (④) The poet either has to reproduce and circulate his work himself or not have it circulated. (⑤) But he can still write poetry.
*censorship: 검열
Grazing animals have different kinds of adaptations that overcome these deterrents.

Coevolution is the concept that two or more species of organisms can reciprocally influence the evolutionary direction of the other. In other words, organisms affect the evolution of other organisms. Since all organisms are influenced by other organisms, this is a common pattern. (①) For example, grazing animals and the grasses they consume have coevolved. (②) Grasses that are eaten by grazing animals grow from the base of the plant near the ground rather than from the tips of the branches as many plants do. (③) Furthermore, grasses have hard materials in their cell walls that make it difficult for animals to crush the cell walls and digest them. (④) Many grazers have teeth that are very long or grow continuously to compensate for the wear associated with grinding hard cell walls. (⑤) Others, such as cattle, have complicated digestive tracts that allow microorganisms to do most of the work of digestion.
*digestive tract: 소화관
To find out whether basketball players shoot in streaks, researchers obtained the shooting records of the Philadelphia 76ers during the 1980-81 season. (The 76ers are the only team who keep records of the order in which a player’s hits and misses occurred, rather than simple totals.) The researchers then analyzed these data to determine whether players’ hits tended to cluster together more than one would expect by chance. Contrary to the expectations expressed by the researchers’ sample of fans, players were not more likely to make a shot after making their last one, two, or three shots than after missing their last one, two, or three shots. In fact, there was a slight tendency for players to shoot better after missing their last shot. They made 51% of their shots after making their previous shot, compared to 54% after missing their previous shot; 50% after making their previous two shots, compared to 53% after missing their previous two; 46% after making three in a row, compared to 56% after missing three in a row.
*streak: 연속

The data of the research above ____(A)____ the expectation that, in basketball shooting, success is more likely to be followed by ____(B)____.
contradict …… success
글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?[/bold]

Many animals are born genetically preprogrammed, or “hardwired” for certain instincts and behaviors. Genes guide the construction of their bodies and brains in specific ways that (a) define what they will be and how they’ll behave. A fly’s reflex to escape in the presence of a passing shadow; a robin’s preprogrammed instinct to fly south in the winter; a bear’s desire to hibernate; a dog’s drive to protect its master: these are all examples of instincts and behaviors that are hardwired. Hardwiring (b) allows these creatures to move as their parents do from birth, and in some cases to eat for themselves and survive independently.
In humans the situation is somewhat different. The human brain comes into the world with some amount of genetic hardwiring (for example, for breathing, crying, suckling, caring about faces, and having the ability to learn the details of their native language). But compared to the rest of the animal kingdom, human brains are unusually (c) complete at birth. The detailed wiring diagram of the human brain is not preprogrammed; instead, genes give very (d) general directions for the blueprints of neural networks, and world experience fine­-tunes the rest of the wiring, allowing it to adapt to the local details. The human brain’s ability to (e) shape itself to the world into which it’s born has allowed our species to take over every ecosystem on the planet and begin our move into the solar system.
Hardwired Animals vs. Adaptable Humans
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [/bold]

Many animals are born genetically preprogrammed, or “hardwired” for certain instincts and behaviors. Genes guide the construction of their bodies and brains in specific ways that (a) define what they will be and how they’ll behave. A fly’s reflex to escape in the presence of a passing shadow; a robin’s preprogrammed instinct to fly south in the winter; a bear’s desire to hibernate; a dog’s drive to protect its master: these are all examples of instincts and behaviors that are hardwired. Hardwiring (b) allows these creatures to move as their parents do from birth, and in some cases to eat for themselves and survive independently.
In humans the situation is somewhat different. The human brain comes into the world with some amount of genetic hardwiring (for example, for breathing, crying, suckling, caring about faces, and having the ability to learn the details of their native language). But compared to the rest of the animal kingdom, human brains are unusually (c) complete at birth. The detailed wiring diagram of the human brain is not preprogrammed; instead, genes give very (d) general directions for the blueprints of neural networks, and world experience fine­-tunes the rest of the wiring, allowing it to adapt to the local details. The human brain’s ability to (e) shape itself to the world into which it’s born has allowed our species to take over every ecosystem on the planet and begin our move into the solar system.
주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?[/bold]
밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?[/bold]
글의 ‘I’에 관한 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것은?[/bold]
잃어버린 여권을 되찾지 못했다.
학원에서 이용중인 교재의 어법/문법 연습문제 또는 듣기시험을 10분만에 제작하여
학생들에게 바로 출제하고 점수는 자동으로 확인하세요

지금 만들어 보세요!
궁금한 것, 안되는 것
말씀만 하세요:)
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