고등 영어I YBM 박준언 레슨6
40 카드 | ybmadmin
a. 화성의, 화성인의
Mars once had more water than the Antarctic Ocean and to this day some of it is locked up in Martian polar ice caps.
n. 우주선
In 1969, the spacecraft Apollo 11 landed humans on the moon for the very first time in history.
n. 지연, 연착
The delay has been because Mars is simply too far from Earth, and we have had only limited knowledge about it.
a. 산업화된, 선진화된
With many industrialized countries participating in those projects, scientists are making progress, but big challenges still remain.
n. 진전, 진보
With many industrialized countries participating in those projects, scientists are making progress, but big challenges still remain.
n. 항공학
A new generation of spacecraft is being designed and built at the National Aeronautics and Space Agency of the United States.
n. 행성
Even when the two planets are closest in their orbits, a round trip would take at least one year.
n. (천체·인공위성·우주선의) 궤도
Even when the two planets are closest in their orbits, a round trip would take at least one year.
v. ~을 시작하다; 쏘아 올리다
A company has come up with a plan to launch a one-way trip with four astronauts to Mars, with additional crews joining them every two years to form a colony.
n. 우주 비행사
A company has come up with a plan to launch a one-way trip with four astronauts to Mars, with additional crews joining them every two years to form a colony.
n. 승무원, 선원, 팀
A company has come up with a plan to launch a one-way trip with four astronauts to Mars, with additional crews joining them every two years to form a colony.
n. 식민지; 집단 거주지
A company has come up with a plan to launch a one-way trip with four astronauts to Mars, with additional crews joining them every two years to form a colony.
a. 아주 중요한, 없어서는 안 될
The most exciting finding about Mars is water, one of the most vital ingredients for life.
a. 북극의, 극지의
Mars once had more water than the Antarctic Ocean and to this day some of it is locked up in Martian polar ice caps.
ice cap
빙원, 만년설
Mars once had more water than the Antarctic Ocean and to this day some of it is locked up in Martian polar ice caps.
equipped with
~을 갖춘
Reaching Mars requires serious hardware including a powerful rocket equipped with extremely fast computers.
come up with
생각해 내다, 제시하다
A company has come up with a plan to launch a one-way trip with four astronauts to Mars, with additional crews joining them every two years to form a colony.
a. 복합의, 복잡한
On Mars, the challenge will be more complex than on the ISS.
a. 충분한
There would be enough plants to produce sufficient amount of oxygen.
n. 중력, 인력
On Earth, gravity drags bodily fluids downwards.
carbon dioxide
n. 이산화탄소
NASA plans to use specially designed machines to convert the carbon dioxide in the Martian air into oxygen.
n. 단백질
With proteins and carbohydrates from various sources such as insects and leaves, 3D food printers can print pizzas and bread.
n. 탄수화물
With proteins and carbohydrates from various sources such as insects and leaves, 3D food printers can print pizzas and bread.
convert ~ into …
A를 B로 전환하다
NASA plans to use specially designed machines to convert the carbon dioxide in the Martian air into oxygen.
n. 유동체, 액체
On Earth, gravity drags bodily fluids downwards.
n. 무중력 상태
In addition, weightlessness in space weakens bones and muscles.
a. 인공적인, 인공의, 인위적인
Astronauts on the ISS do a lot of exercise, with additional help from drugs and artificial gravity from a spinning device.
cosmic radiation
n. 우주 방사선
One great threat to our body on Mars is cosmic radiation.
magnetic field
n. 자기장
When we are outside the protection of Earth’s air and magnetic field, we are exposed to cosmic radiation.
v. ~을 드러내다, 노출시키다
When we are outside the protection of Earth’s air and magnetic field, we are exposed to cosmic radiation.
n. 피난처
The plan proposed so far is to build shelters beneath the surface of Mars.
n. 탐험, 탐사
Experts mention two kinds of benefits Martian exploration may bring: practical benefits and a sense of our shared destiny as the human race.
n. 운명, 숙명, 필연
Experts mention two kinds of benefits Martian exploration may bring: practical benefits and a sense of our shared destiny as the human race.
the human race
n. 인류(ㅇㅇㅇ)
A sense of our shared destiny as the human race can be understood when considering the increasingly exhausted resources on Earth.
v. ~을 자극하다, 격려하다, 활발하게 하다
Space travel stimulates industry and draws people into careers in science and engineering.
n. 협력, 협동
Space exploration is a collaboration between countries to cover its high cost.
v. ~을 감소시키다, 고갈시키다
A sense of our shared destiny as the human race can be understood when considering the resources that are being depleted on Earth.
n. 인류
Martian exploration is not an easy but a worthy dream for humanity.
draw ~ into ...
A을 B에 끌어들이다
Space travel stimulates industry and draws people into careers in science and engineering.
appeal to
~에 호소하다, ~의 관심을 끌다
That’s why dreams and passion appeal to humanity.
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