v. ~을 함유하다, 포함하다
Gimchi contains a lot of spicy chili.
v. 유래하다
Chili peppers originated in South America.
n. 지방, 지역
Many of the foods we consume today originated in the same region and spread to the rest of the world.
n. 재료, 성분
Since chilies, in particular, are an essential ingredient for many spicy Korean dishes, you would hardly suspect that they originated in another country.
v. 주장하다
Ask a Chinese or an Indian or a Mexican, and most will argue that chilies are native to their homeland.
in particular
Since chilies, in particular, are an essential ingredient for many spicy Korean dishes, you would hardly suspect that they originated in another country.
ad. 거의 ~ 아니다
Since chilies, in particular, are an essential ingredient for many spicy Korean dishes, you would hardly suspect that they originated in another country.
a. 원산의
Ask a Chinese or an Indian or a Mexican, and most will argue that chilies are native to their homeland.
v. 의심하다
Since chilies, in particular, are an essential ingredient for many spicy Korean dishes, you would hardly suspect that they originated in another country.
v. (먹거나 마셔서) 소비하다
Many of the foods we consume today originated in the same region and spread to the rest of the world.
n. 경로
Columbus set sail from Spain to find a new route to India.
v. 수입하다 Imported from South India and nearby islands, black pepper was an expensive spice.
shoot up
The Ottoman Empire effectively blocked routes to India, and the price of black pepper shot up.
n. 목적
The purpose of Columbus' journey was to find a way to safely bring black pepper from Asia and secure the kitchens of Europe.
v. 거래하다, 무역하다
As a result, European traders had to look for new ways to trade with India for pepper and other spices.
as a result
결과적으로 As a result, European traders had to look for new ways to trade with India for pepper and other spices.
n. 여행
The purpose of Columbus' journey was to find a way to safely bring black pepper from Asia and secure the kitchens of Europe.
v. 찾다
Columbus believed he had found the route to India that he was seeking.
instead of
~ 대신에 Instead of black pepper, he found other plants that he thought to be another type of pepper.
v. 확보하다
The purpose of Columbus' journey was to find a way to safely bring black pepper from Asia and secure the kitchens of Europe.
take over
The Ottoman Empire took over Asia Minor and the eastern Mediterranean.
v. 대변혁을 일으키다
When Portuguese traders carried chilies to other parts of the world, it revolutionized local kitchens.
a. 가치 있는
From a nutritional point of view, chilies are much less valuable than rice, corn, or potatoes.
in part
Chilies spread quickly, in part because they were easy to grow in a wide range of climates and conditions, which made them an abundant crop.
a. 전례를 찾기 힘든, 특출한
The speed of the chili pepper’s spread was exceptional.
a. 담백한, 평범한
By making even plain food rich in flavor, chilies were the one luxury item the poor could afford to eat every day.
a wide range of
광범위한, 다양한
Chilies spread quickly, in part because they were easy to grow in a wide range of climates and conditions, which made them an abundant crop.
a. 풍부한
Chilies spread quickly, in part because they were easy to grow in a wide range of climates and conditions, which made them an abundant crop.
v. ~할 여유가 되다
By making even plain food rich in flavor, chilies were the one luxury item the poor could afford to eat every day.
from a point of view
~ 관점에서 From a nutritional point of view, chilies are much less valuable than rice, corn, or potatoes.
a. 영양상의
From a nutritional point of view, chilies are much less valuable than rice, corn, or potatoes.
v. 변형시키다
Many local dishes were transformed into hot, spicy, and unique foods, thanks to chilies.
thanks to
Many local dishes were transformed into hot, spicy, and unique foods, thanks to chilies.
n. 관심, 주목
Columbus took other new crops that he expected would capture the attention of Europeans.
a. 보통의, 평범한
Chilies improved ordinary food by adding spice to them.
v. 밝히다, 드러내다
After it was revealed that potatoes grew well on poor soils and in hostile climates, their cultivation quickly spread to Northern and Eastern Europe.
a. 적대적인, 가혹한
After it was revealed that potatoes grew well on poor soils and in hostile climates, their cultivation quickly spread to Northern and Eastern Europe.
n. 재배
After it was revealed that potatoes grew well on poor soils and in hostile climates, their cultivation quickly spread to Northern and Eastern Europe.
a. 주된, 주요한
In Ireland, the potato became the staple food, with adults consuming an average of ten potatoes a day.
n. 추정
According to one estimate, the introduction of the potato was responsible for a quarter of the population growth in Europe, Africa, and Asia between 1700 and 1900.
a. 독성이 있는
The tomato looked a lot like the fruit of certain poisonous plants that were well known to Europeans.
a. 장식용의
Tomatoes were at first grown only as a decorative plant rather than as a food.
n. 십 년
Several decades passed before tomatoes began to be consumed as a food.
according to
~에 의하면 According to one estimate, the introduction of the potato was responsible for a quarter of the population growth in Europe, Africa, and Asia between 1700 and 1900.
be responsible for
~의 원인이 되다
According to one estimate, the introduction of the potato was responsible for a quarter of the population growth in Europe, Africa, and Asia between 1700 and 1900.
n. 귀족
It was thought that the nobles got sick and sometimes died after eating tomatoes.
v. ~을 탓하다
No one at the time made the connection between the plate and the poison, so the tomato was blamed.
kick off
The invention of pizza in Naples in the 1880s kicked off the tomato’s popularity in Europe.
a. 상당한, 많은
Wealthy Europeans at that time ate off plates made of heavy metals including considerable amounts of lead.
n. 비난
The tomato was later cleared of its false charge.
n. 납
Wealthy Europeans at that time ate off plates made of heavy metals including considerable amounts of lead.
n. 대륙
Chilies, potatoes, and tomatoes spread to other continents and, when blended with local foods, created unique dishes.
n. 산성
Because tomatoes are high in acidity, when placed on such plates, the fruit would release the lead.
v. 혼합하다, 섞다
Chilies, potatoes, and tomatoes spread to other continents and, when blended with local foods, created unique dishes.