고등 영어I YBM 박준언 레슨1
37 카드 | ybmadmin
v. 쫓다
I keep having dreams about getting chased or taking a test where I don’t know any answers.
n. 땀
I often wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night.
v. 고통을 겪다
Many teens suffer from a high level of stress, often without even knowing that they do.
v. 관리하다
To wisely manage your stress, you need to have a good understanding of the issue.
a. 유용한 정보를 제공하는, 유익한
Teens Today had an informative talk on stress and its management with a doctor specializing in mental health.
a. 정신의
Teens Today had an informative talk on stress and its management with a doctor specializing in mental health.
specialize in
~을 전공하다, 전문으로 하다
Teens Today had an informative talk on stress and its management with a doctor specializing in mental health.
n. 병, 질병
You need to understand that stress is not a disease.
n. 포식자
This involuntary response developed in our ancestors as a way to protect them from predators and other threats.
a. 원시의
In fact, stress is a natural alarm system in your brain and body, going back to the primitive days.
n. 응급, 비상
Your body turns on its emergency system, releasing into the blood the hormones that speed up your heart rate and prepare you to deal with the problem.
a. 무의식적인, 반사적인
This involuntary response developed in our ancestors as a way to protect them from predators and other threats.
n. 호르몬
Your body turns on its emergency system, releasing into the blood the hormones that speed up your heart rate and prepare you to deal with the problem.
n. 선조, 조상
This involuntary response developed in our ancestors as a way to protect them from predators and other threats.
n. 각성, 기민, 경계
A little stress prepares you to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, and alertness.
ad. 즉시
Many of your worries are not as instantly resolved as they were when you used to bump into tigers.
bump into
우연히 마주치다
Many of your worries are not as instantly resolved as they were when you used to bump into tigers.
n. 마감시한, 데드라인
Without stress, you would not be able to gather enough energy to meet deadlines.
v. 풀다, 해결하다
Many of your worries are not as instantly resolved as they were when you used to bump into tigers.
n. 생존
It was a matter of either death or survival, and then the crisis came to an end.
a. 안절부절못하는, 제대로 쉬지(잠들지) 못하는
You feel restless in your legs and have difficulty going to sleep.
n. 위기
It was a matter of either death or survival, and then the crisis came to an end.
get rid of
~을 없애다, 제거하다
Stress hormones burn away when you get rid of the stress source.
v. 질질 끌다
Skipping school may feel good at the time, but it will drag you into even deeper trouble afterward.
n. 학교 공부, 학업
When you plan your week, schedule time to get schoolwork done.
ad. 문자 그대로, 말 그대로
What the stress hormones really tell you to do is to literally move your body and run.
strike a balance
균형을 맞추다
To deal with stress, you need to strike a balance between work and play.
v. 기운을 되찾게 하다
If you do exercise, your body will be refreshed and ready to meet the next challenge.
v. (서로) 다르다
Teenage experiences vary, and everyone experiences different emotions and concerns.
n. 전환, 전이, 과도기
During this time of transition you live with a lot of uncertainties and imbalances, which create huge anxieties.
n. 불확실성
During this time of transition you live with a lot of uncertainties and imbalances, which create huge anxieties.
n. 불균형
During this time of transition you live with a lot of uncertainties and imbalances, which create huge anxieties.
ad. 종국에, 결국
Just keep in mind that whatever stresses you out now will eventually pass.
n. 산소
Taking a few deep breaths brings oxygen to your brain and helps you relax.
n. 미네랄
Under stressful conditions, the body needs vitamins and minerals more than ever.
v. 망설이다, 주저하다
Do not hesitate to ask for help from a trustworthy adult or a school counselor.
a. 믿을 만한
Do not hesitate to ask for help from a trustworthy adult or a school counselor.
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