고등 영어 YBM 박준언 레슨 4
33 카드 | ybmadmin
n. 생존
They also give rise to amazing stories of survival.
n. 허리케인
A storm is officially called a hurricane when its speed reaches about 118 km per hour.
a. 부상을 당한, 다친
These storms leave thousands of people injured or dead, while forcing others to run away from their homes.
a. 극심한
Here is a story of a young man who survived Hurricane Sandy, one of the most violent storms ever to hit the United States.
v. 도망치다, 벗어나다
She was lucky enough to escape from her house before the storm hit.
a. 피해를 입은
When she returned to her damaged house, after the storm had passed, she found a note.
v. 구하다
The man on the boat heard the voice and finally Mike was rescued.
give rise to
생기게 하다
As this process continues, the resulting clouds begin to expand, giving rise to rains and thunderstorms.
break into
(건물 등에) 침입하다
I had to break into your house.
v. (게시물을) 올리다
She then posted the note and the story on her SNS.
n. 사회관계망
She then posted the note and the story on her SNS.
social media
n. 사회관계망, 소셜미디어
The sad message made the rounds on social media for some time, before falling into the hands of a local radio station show host.
n. 진행자
The sad message made the rounds on social media for some time, before falling into the hands of a local radio station show host.
a. 전체의
The entire house would soon be under water.
make the rounds
소문이 돌다
The sad message made the rounds on social media for some time, before falling into the hands of a local radio station show host.
v. 나오다
As he emerged from his house, the current caught him and carried him out to sea.
a. 물이 차지 않은
He tried to swim back to an unflooded house, but the current was too strong and the waves took him out to sea again and again.
n. 해류, 물살
He tried to swim back to an unflooded house, but the current was too strong and the waves took him out to sea again and again.
v. 떨다
Shivering with cold, he wrapped his body in the blankets that were on the chair.
v. 삼키다
He was thirsty because he had swallowed so much salt water.
v. 다가가다
Finishing the note, he almost gave up on his life, when he saw through the window a boat approaching.
v. 고마워하다
Survival stories like Mike’s make people appreciate what they have when they are safe and sound at home with their family.
n. 온도
Hurricanes form only over ocean water that has a temperature of 26 or more degrees Celsius.
n. 도
Hurricanes form only over ocean water that has a temperature of 26 or more degrees Celsius.
a. 섭씨의
Hurricanes form only over ocean water that has a temperature of 26 or more degrees Celsius.
n. 열대 (지방)
This is why hurricanes are common in the tropics where water temperatures are high all year round.
n. 압력
When warm air rises, creating low pressure over the water surface, cooler air from nearby enters to fill the area.
n. 표면
When warm air rises, creating low pressure over the water surface, cooler air from nearby enters to fill the area.
n. 뇌우
As this process continues, the resulting clouds begin to expand, giving rise to rains and thunderstorms.
n. 자전
The thunderstorms then begin to move in circles around a central point, due to the rotation of Earth.
ad. 공식적으로
At this point the storm officially becomes a hurricane.
v. 회전하다
Winds spin with great force.
tropical depression
열대성 저기압
As the tropical depression moves over warmer waters, the clouds expand and the winds begin to build up speed.
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