Short Articles for Reading 2nd-Book 3 Unit11 (E)
12 카드 | CompassPublishing
causing great sadness and suffering
Romeo and Juliet is a tragic story.
a member of an organized gang of criminals
A gangster killed another gang member.
showing things realistically, without making them look better than they are
Some are realistic movies that take a gritty look at topics such as crime.
in the course of
during a specific time or while something else is happening
He changed his mind in the course of a week.
to see something happen, especially a crime
The police are talking to him because he witnessed the murder with his own eyes.
the way that a situation actually is, not fantasy
That’s not the reality, but it seems real.
to give someone or something an important part or focus
This radio station is popular because it always features one local band's music.
a difficult situation or set of circumstances
He has faced many adversities lately - he lost his job, his wife left him, and he was diagnosed with cancer.
using a form of humor where you say the opposite of what you really mean
This actor plays sarcastic characters a lot, and he can be very funny.
a movie or book that continues the story of the one before it
The first movie was scary, but the sequel is even scarier.
a person or thing from another planet
Men in Black is about a group of people who chase aliens.
something that is well-known and popular for a long time
I can’t believe you haven’t seen this classic movie. It’s so famous.
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