Short Articles for Reading 2nd-Book 3 Unit10 (E)
12 카드 | CompassPublishing
cold enough to be solid
Ice cream is a frozen treat made from by King Charles I.
a sweet food that someone has made
Europeans brought ice cream and other confections to New York.
a story or explanation that is believed by many but is likely not true
There are many myths about the origins of ice cream.
a detailed description of events
She accounted for the way to the post office.
a person who cooks and prepares food for others
The chef has prepared a large feast for everyone.
the instructions for preparing a dish
Can I please have the recipe for this delicious dish?
a usually sweet dish served at the end of a main meal
After dinner, it is time for dessert.
a grand formal dinner with many guests and foods
In the seventeenth century, ice cream was served at royal banquets.
to bring about the start of something
The winner of the election does not become president until the presidential inaugurated.
a container kept very cold to store food and ice
To stay cold, ice cream belongs in the freezer.
mass production
the process of producing large quantities usually by using machinery
mass production of automobiles means that almost everyone can own one.
to develop gradually
Many people believe ice cream evolved from ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks, Persians, and Romans, who used to chill wines and juices.
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