Short Articles for Reading 2nd-Book 2 Unit09 (E)
11 카드 | CompassPublishing
a thick, sticky substance that is produced by some trees
Archaeologists discovered that prehistoric people chewed tree resin.
to use teeth to cut food into small pieces before swallowing
You should chew your food well before you swallow it.
the watery liquid in all trees
Furthermore, the ancient Mayans from Central America chewed sap from the sapodilla tree.
something from which another thing develops or can develop
Flour is the basis of most cakes and bread.
a commercial activity concerned with the processing of raw materials
Hollywood is the heart of the world movie industry.
a kind or make; a specific type of a product
Coca-Cola is the name of a brand of soft drink.
something that you drink to stop being thirsty
The best thirst quencher is not Gatorade or pop drinks.
to make or create
It is not easy to produce good bubble gum.
shelter or protection from danger or hardship
When it started to rain, she found refuge in the house.
vending machine
a machine from which one can buy things like snacks or drinks
Chewing gum first became available in vending machines in 1888.
tending to stick
I got some honey on my hands, and they were very sticky
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