Short Articles for Reading 2nd-Book 2 Unit07 (E)
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to start or organize on a foundation
The judge made her decision based on the evidence.
the state of being puzzled or unclear
Before the establishment of Greenwich Mean Time, railroad timetables were confusing because every town had its own time.
a list of the times when buses, trains, and planes are expected to leave or arrive
The first lesson on the timetable for Monday is math.
to invent a plan, system, or machine
The prisoners devised a plan for escape that involved digging a hole through the floor.
a person who runs or is in charge of a train
The engineer found a new way of burning fuel more efficiently.
a meeting organized on a particular subject
Bill Gates will speak at the computer conference next month.
any north-south line on world maps
Lines of longitude can also be called meridians.
distance to the west or east of a line passing through Greenwich
When you cross a line of longitude, the time might be different.
an area of land
My time zone is different from yours, so call me in the evening.
the edge of a country
A river marks the border between the United States and Mexico.
to stretch out; to draw out to the full length
We can extend the entry deadline for one more week.
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