Short Articles for Reading 2nd-Book 1 Unit15 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a shellfish that has mother-of-pearl inside its shell
When it is properly prepared, abalone is delicious.
the degree to which people want to buy, do, or eat something
Some things are very cheap because there isn’t much demand for them.
the state of something with respect to certain circumstances or conditions
My situation was difficult. I did not know what to do.
a person who commits a crime
If you break the law, you are a criminal.
the quantity of goods and services that is available to buy
Our supply of milk is low, so we should order more.
to illegally take or bring things out of or into a place
Abalone farmers have trouble with criminals, who want to steal their crop and smuggle it into other countries.
a person who is very skilled or knowledgeable
A(n) expert at cooking abalone, Yeung has cooked for many famous people.
something that is won
He has cooked for China’s leaders in Beijing and has won prizes in many countries.
a place where orphans, children who do not have parents, live and are looked after
How many children are there in the orphanage?
very well known
Yeung Koon Yat is a(n) famous chef whose first job was washing dishes in a restaurant.
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