Short Articles for Reading 2nd-Book 1 Unit12 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
to include or contain
Ireland is comprised of many counties.
the legislative body of the major political unit within Great Britain
Every year, Queen Elizabeth opens parliament.
to be in a place
In which area of the city is your home located?
to place a crown on to officially make king or queen
To become a king or queen of England, you must be crowned in Westminster Abbey.
to put something into a hole and cover it with earth
They buried their grandfather under his favorite tree after he died.
something connected with a king, queen, or their family
The queen is part of the royal family.
to travel to a place for an amount of time
Will you visit me when I move to London?
to talk so proudly that others may find it irritating
London also boasts such attractions as Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, and the London Eye, which is a huge Ferris wheel.
a railroad that runs within a small area
London was also the first city in the world to build an underground railway, known as the tube.
the underground railway line in London
London was also the first city in the world to build an underground railway, known as the tube.
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