Short Articles for Reading 2nd-Book 1 Unit06 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a delicious food given or eaten as a reward
Chocolate treats are usually shared among family and friends.
a part of a mixture that makes a whole, especially when cooking
What are the ingredient in this cake?
a thick, sweet dessert made with flour, milk, eggs, and flavoring
Do you like to eat strawberry pudding?
behavior which is usual to a particular society or person
In some countries, it is a(n) custom to bow when greeting someone.
on occasion
sometimes but not frequently; occasionally
Everyone, on occasion, makes mistakes.
to enter with an army to take power and land
Europeans first tasted chocolate in the early 1500s when the Spanish invaded Mexico.
a king who rules many countries
Montezuma was an Aztec emperor.
to make or produce by hand or machinery, especially on a large scale
Do you know how chocolate is manufactured?
a series of actions in order to achieve a particular result
The manufacturing of chocolate from the cocoa bean is a long process.
to cook by direct exposure to dry heat, like in an oven
These nuts have been roasted in an oven.
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