Integrate Reading & Writing-Building 4 Unit 03 (E)
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to burst into pieces with a lot of force and noise
If humans and machines don’t maintain these reactors, they will explode.
to stop it from happening
Molten salt reactors rely on physics, not humans or machines, to prevent malfunctions.
relating to or involving the energy that is produced when the structure of an ATOM's center is changed
nuclear power is reliable, and sustainable, but dangerous.
to keep something working properly by regularly checking for and fixing any problems
He maintained his idea even though others disagreed.
being likely to be true; believable
I'm not sure that this information is reliable.
an immediate and very strong need
The world desperately needs clean, reliable, safe, and sustainable energy.
a device or tool that is used for fighting with, attacking, or defending against other people
These are dangerous elements and are used to make nuclear weapons.
to get rid of
Thorium and the molten salt reactor could eliminate the dangers of accidents and weapons.
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