Integrate Reading & Writing-Building 4 Unit 02 (E)
8 카드 | CompassPublishing
to divide something into pieces
They split the team into two sides.
the group of persons who have responsibility for the management of a business, government or institution
The school administration has been considering changing this rule.
the quality of being clear and distinct
They can do research, find definitions, and use the calculator on their phones.
paper for writing letters
They also wouldn’t need to wait for students to take out and put away various stationery items.
discipline and training of oneself, usually for improvement
Second, changing the rule would be a good way to teach self-discipline.
a presentation of reasons for or against an idea or point of view
We had one week to prepare our arguments.
the process of learning at a school or university and the knowledge received from it
First, we argued that students can use their smartphones for education.
to persuade someone to perform a task
Our side convinced some of the teachers to change their minds.
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