Very Easy Reading 2nd-Book 4 Unit 17 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
the sister of a person's mother or father, or the wife of a person's uncle
My aunt always buys me interesting presents.
far away
a long distance from here; not close
I have to take the bus to the mall because it's far away.
come by
take ~ to ~
Did he come by taxi or bus?
a vehicle with wings and an engine that can fly through the air
I'm taking my first plane trip today!
a large vehicle for moving large or heavy things
My dad drives a big truck.
parents of your father or mother
My grandparents are really old. They are almost 100 years old.
inline skates
shoes with wheels set in a straight line on the bottom that are used for skating
I like to take my inline skates to the park on weekends.
being near to something or someone in space or time
Do you live close to school or far away?
the number between nine and eleven
I am going on a trip with ten of my friends.
a large, natural, and continuous flow of water that extends across large distances of land
Although it's fun to play in the river, you must be careful.
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