Hang Out (Class Booster)-Book 3 Unit 08 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
The boy is playing a card game.
board game
a game (such as chess) that is played by moving pieces on a special board
He's playing a board game.
the art or study of producing pleasing sounds by instruments or voices
She listens to music.
a game for two players where they move their pieces across a special board and try to take each other's pieces
He wants to play chess.
a sport in which two teams try to put a ball into the other teams goal, played with different types of balls and goals in different countries
The football player kicked the ball.
video game
a computer game that you play on your television
She's playing a video game now.
ping pong
the game of table tennis
The boy is playing ping pong.
a large container or hole that is filled with water and used for people to swim in
He is playing pool with his friends.
mountain biking
a bicycle with a sturdy frame and fat tires
I go mountain biking every Saturday.
a long walk, usually in a forest or wooded area
It was a nice day for hiking.
climbing trees
나무에 오르기
Monkeys are good at climbing trees.
riding on top of ocean waves while standing on a special board
Many people go swimming and surfing.
스케이트보드 타기
She enjoys riding a skateboard every day.
the action of traveling over snow on skis
skiing is a popular winter sport.
ice skating
skating on ice
They are ice skating in an ice rink.
the act of sliding down a snow-covered slope while standing on a snowboard
When it snows, we go snowboarding.
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