Hang Out (Class Booster)-Book 3 Unit 07 (E)
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pass the ball
공을 패스하다
They can pass the ball.
score a goal
골을 넣다
You kick the ball to score a goal.
to run at a steady pace
He jogs every day so he can be healthier.
jump rope
play or exercise using a jump rope
I'm planning to do jump rope every morning.
shoot baskets
득점을 올리다
The player shot a basket.
do push-ups
팔굽혀 펴기를 하다
I do 30 push-ups every morning.
catch the ball
공을 잡다
The basketball player jumped up to catch the ball.
kick the ball
공을 차다
You kick the ball to score a goal.
serve the ball
서브를 넣다
The tennis player is serving the ball.
use a racket
라켓을 사용하다
We use racket in tennis and badminton.
throw a ball
공을 던지다
How fast can you throw a ball?
lift weights
역기를 들다
I was lifting weights in the gym.
to jump into water head first with your arms extended
I like to dive into the water in the summer.
taller than usual
The balloon floated high into the air.
at or to a great distance; a long way off
Tom's house is far from the main city.
moving or able to move rapidly
That car moves fast.
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