Target Listening (Practice Test)-Practice Book 1 Unit 06 (E)
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back and forth
backward and forward
We walked back and forth because we couldn’t find the post office.
a person in a book or movie
My favorite character in Alice in Wonderland is the Mad Hatter.
having a pattern of different colored squares
A chess board has a checkered appearance.
a group of similar things kept together
Tom has kept a stamp collection ever since he was a young boy.
community center
a building or other place in which members of a community may gather for social, educational, or cultural activities
During the summer, there is a dance every Friday at the community center.
easy and comfortable to do or get to
Because both parents work, it is convenient for the family to eat fast food.
a sofa
I bought a new blue sofa for my living room today.
A craft is an activity such as weaving or pottery that involves making things skilfully with your hands.
The children enjoy making crafts.
a piece of material hung to cover a window, stage etc.
Sue bought purple curtains for her window.
An event, usually for the benefit of a charity or public institution, including entertainment and the sale of goods
The county fair is a wonderful event where the entire county gets together in celebration.
when small drops of water form a cloud close to the surface of land or water
The morning fog covered the land in a blanket of white.
feeling afraid or nervous
Our frightened kitten ran under the couch and didn’t want to come out.
willing to give money, help, kindness etc.
Pierre has always been a pretty generous man.
in a way that is truthful
We have always dealth honestly with our customers.
junk food
food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat
Because it is so convenient, many people eat junk food for lunch.
to go down into, or stay in, a position where one or both knees are on the ground
The pastor asked the congregation to kneel.
a place where a person pays money to wash their own clothes
I had to go to the laundromat to wash my clothes because my washer was broken.
a chain, strap, ect. for controlling or leading an animal
I put a leash on my dog when I take him for a walk.
fat or heavier than usual
If you are not careful what you eat and don't exercise, you'll become overweight.
When you plant a seed, plant, or young tree, you put it into the ground so that it will grow there.
In biology class, we planted seeds and will record weekly observations.
an object consisting of a net fixed tightly to an oval from with a long handle, used in various sports
We bought a new raquet when I joined the tennis team.
to get or be given
The handsom baby received a lot of attention whereever he went.
a person who saves another from danger
The rescuer gave his life to save the injured victims.
to send, bring, give, put, ect. something back where it came from
May I return these pants if they don’t fit?
danger of losing something important
There is great risk of becoming addicted to gambling.
the part of a plant from which a new one will grow
If you give the seed water, it will become a flower!
rarely not often
The temperature in these mountains seldom rises above freezing, perhaps only a few days a year.
an unpleasant room or building that does not have fresh air
Open a window because it is too stuffy in here.
affording little or no extra room
Her new jeans were very tight on her.
to develop or form habits, thoughts, or behaviors by discipline and instruction
I am being trained to be a police officer.