Speaking Drive-Book 2 Unit 03 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
to let someone do something
Snowshoes allow the walker to float on the snow.
to pick
If you choose someone or something, you decide which person or thing you want to have.
to give someone or something food
I feed my dog in the morning and at night.
get a haircut
have one's hair cut
He has to get a haircut before visiting his parents.
being free from illness, disease, and other physical problems
It is important to stay healthy with regular exercise.
to realize or understand
Tom imagined himself as an astronaut.
a period of travel. or the process of going from one place to another
They are going to take a journey around the world.
a publication issued regularly containing articles, stories etc by various writers
Would you like a magazine to read while you're waiting?
information that is left for or sent to someone else
I left a message on your answering machine.
a box or container that items are placed in for mailing
We send some packages to grandma.
an animal, such as a dog or cat, that a person lives with and cares for
I have a very cute pet dog.
a small ball or tablet of medicine
She took a pill because she can't sleep well.
a very young dog
The puppy is under the desk.
to damage something by pulling it too hard or moving it across a sharp object
The book is very old, so be careful not to tear its pages.
a good thing to eat, usually as a dessert or a snack
Let's buy some popcorn for a treat while we watch the movie.
a person whose job is to care for animal's health
Sophia has always loved animals so she decided to become a veterinarian.
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