Speaking Drive-Book 1 Unit 04 (E)
17 카드 | CompassPublishing
across from
from one side to the other
It goes across the street. The other man ran across the room and jumped.
a place where baked foods, such as bread or cakes, are prepared or sold
We bought a cake at the bakery.
a fruit with a curved shape and a thick, yellow PEEL
Monkeys eat bananas.
an organization that stores and lends money
We can put our money in banks.
of or in the back
Slowly I followed down, down, down with Dad behind me.
from one person, thing, or place, to another
Ten is between nine and eleven.
a sweet, bread-like food
Eat some cake.
the institution of christianity
Moscow was once known for its beautiful churches.
a type of sweet, baked food that is mainly made of flour, sugar, butter and eggs and is usually flat and round
Stacy bakes some really yummy cookies.
a table, usually for writing on
You should do your work at a desk.
a building where people who are ill or injured are given treatment
He broke his leg and went to the hospital.
a word used with the name of months, years, etc.
In 1960, Jane was sent to study chimpanzees at Gombe Stream National Park, in Tanzania.
in front of
directly before or ahead of
What is in front of the school?
next to
adjacent, near
I sit next to Sue in history class.
in contact with or supported by the surface of something
"The computer isn’t on in the lunar module."
a place or institution where people go to learn and be taught
Two coughs could tell your friend to meet you after school.
beneath or lower than something
My cat is under the table.
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