Reading Success 2nd-Book 1 Unit 13 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
human beings who are not yet an adult
There are too many children in here, so it's very noisy.
to make a choice after thinking about something
The teacher will decide if the student should pass the class.
drive past
to pass by in a car or other vehicle
The car drove past us really fast.
drop off
to deliver or deposit at a specific place
I will drop off the essay tomorrow for you.
free time
time when you can do leisure activities
He spends most of his free time watching movies.
knowledge or details that let you know more about someone or something
What information does she know about this problem?
causing someone to feel excitement or want to know more about something
That book wasn't very interesting.
the part of day from twelve o'clock at night until noon
The next morning, Jake sees Mimi on his bed.
an account of something which gives the necessary facts and information
The Chief of Police sent Rudolph a daily report.
the vehicles or number of vehicles in a particular area or on a particular road
There is a lot of traffic on the road today.
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