Reading for the Real world 2nd_Student-Book 3 Unit 01 (E)
15 카드
to switch from one belief system to another
She was Catholic, but she converted to Islam to marry her husband.
the quality of deserving trust
After getting caught lying on his resume, Hugh did not have any credibility with his co-workers.
a standard to make judgments or decisions
There were several criteria for judging the writing assignment that the teacher did not agree with.
to show something is not true
His theory of life on the sun was disproved by scientific evidence.
a scientific theory that states that plants and animals change slowly over time according to the environments they live in
Darwin is credited with the theory of evolution.
to make something smooth by rubbing a FILE on it
Linda often files her nails to keep them in a pleasant shape.
the use of dishonest ways to take something valuable from another person
The psychic was discovered to be a complete fraud.
an act intended to deceive or trick
The story about the unicorn found in Ireland was only a hoax.
any member of the family of primates that includes modern man and the extinct forerunners of man
Neanderthals and homo sapiens are both hominids.
to block someone's (or something's) path or progress
The skyscraper obstructs my view of the morning sun coming through my bedroom window.
a person who commits wrongdoing
The police caught the perpetrator and took him to the police station.
being of an early time period in the past
The campers built a primitive shelter to protect themselves from the snowstorm.
being important or well known
June is a prominent politician in her country.
a person who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
My dad is a skeptic so he really examines things before he accepts them for truth.
doubting or challenging claims or statements, particularly those that many people consider to be true
I was very skeptical of his professed faith, until I actually saw him serving the needs of the homeless.