Listening to the News: Voice of America-Book 2 Unit 11 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
nonflowering stemless water plants
algae are predominantly aquatic, inhabiting fresh, brackish, and marine waters.
a type of energy from renewable plant and animal material
The government estimates that million tons of grains are being used for biofuel.
difficult, not easy
The test was very complicated, and I don't think I did very well.
If something is dense, it has a lot of things close together.
I easily became lost in the dense forest.
anything added to soil or water to make it better for growing things
Many farmers need to use fertilizer because there are not enough minerals left in the soil.
the remains of a plant or animal that have stayed in the earth after many years ago
If we do nothing about it, fossil fuels are in danger of running out.
a large brown seaweed
kelp can be made into delicious food.
a living thing, often one that is small
Forests are home to loads of plant life and millions of organisms.
refuse or garbage carried out of buildings by the sewer
Cities are responsible for controlling the sewage created by its residents.
to take someone or something from one place to another in a vehicle
The pineapples are transported in large trucks.
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