Listening to the News: Voice of America-Book 2 Unit 09 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
the outside covering of tree trunks, branches, and roots
The bark of the tree was brown and very rough.
something that is put into a book to show the place where you stopped reading
She placed a bookmark before having a dinner with her friends.
a container for a letter or card
She is sticking a stamp on envelope.
a container used to shape a material into a certain form
Sculptors poured metal in a mold and made some little statues.
fiber from wood that is used to make paper
For example, this book is made from paper, which came from the wood pulp of trees.
A rag is a small towel.
Please use a rag to clean the dust off the table.
to cause someone to remember something that they have forgotten
We never have to remind it to beat.
to eliminate something; get rid of something completely
I removed the mud from my shoes.
being covered in or made of a substance that can attach to different surfaces
After eating candy, their hands were sticky and needed to be washed.
to inflict, deliver, or deal
When the ball struck the pins, they all fell over.
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