Listening to the News: Voice of America-Book 2 Unit 07 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
to gather together
Once the ground is completely full, water starts to collect above.
to stop being VISIBLE
My best friend suddenly disappeared from the party.
A hectare is a unit of measure equal to 10, 000 square meters.
His family farm covered many hectares.
a house or home made by bees for bees
He's building a hive so that he can keep bees.
a very small creature
That cat has mites in its ears.
Nectar is a sweet liquid produced by flowers that bees and other insects collect.
Bees use nectar to make their honey.
an area near a house or farm where fruit trees are grown
They went into the orchard to pick apples.
a fine, usually yellow powder that is produced by plants and is moved by insects or wind to other plants of the same type for the purpose of producing seeds
Bees are attracted to a plant's anther, where they find pollen for food.
to put pollen on the part of a plant that will help make a new plant
Some plants need outside help to pollinate the flower, but others do it themselves.
If something is reproductive, it has to do with a living thing producing young.
The reproductive system of a plant is simple.
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