Listening to the News: Voice of America-Book 2 Unit 06 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
If something or someone is awesome, they are impressive or frightening.
The huge military plane was an awesome sight.
not being simple
The process of creating each pot is complex.
a group of people who run a city or town
The council met to discuss the new laws for the city.
a discussion of issues and viewpoints
A debate on religion was held in the main auditorium on campus.
in a DESPERATE way
I desperately need some cash but I can't find an ATM.
a machine that does a particular job
The hospital bought a new device for measuring blood sugar.
a very smart person
Since she was a genius, she easily passed all of her school exams.
small enough to be used or operated while being held in the hand
The handheld PlayStation Portable, or PSP, is already a success, playing music and video in addition to games.
plug in
to connect up by inserting its plug into a socket
Can you plug in the electric fan?
to find the correct answer to a problem or mystery
We have to solve this math problem.
가장 빠르게 암기하도록 도와주는 암기학습 〉
제대로 외웠나 바로 확인하는 리콜학습 〉
철자까지 외우려면 스펠학습 〉
재미있게 복습하려면 매칭 게임 〉
주관식으로도 재미있는 복습, 크래시 게임 〉
수업 중 이 단어장을 보고 듣고 질문하는 슬라이드 〉
수업시간이 들썩 들썩 퀴즈배틀 (로그인) 〉
클릭만으로 종이낭비 없이 시험지 인쇄 (로그인) 〉
필요한 세트를 직접 만드는 단어장 만들기 (로그인) 〉
선생님들이 만드신 30만개 단어장 검색하기 〉
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