Listening to the News: Voice of America-Book 1 Unit 09 (E)
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the son or daughter of an uncle or aunt, also known
Tommy's cousin came to visit him for the summer.
a long, thin musical instrument which is played by blowing into a hole at one end
My sister can play the flute.
the group of people who rule a nation
The children’s father worked at a government office in the city.
to do something repeatedly in order to improve a skill
I must practice playing piano every day.
something that is a necessity
Before you schedule an interview, you should verify that you meet all of the requirements.
the area within which all the stars and planets exist
An astronaut is a person who travels into space.
a machine designed to fly outer space
Spacecrafts can travel through space.
a person who travels for pleasure
There are a lot of tourists here.
a journey or visit to a place
We are going on a trip to the mountains next week.
waiting list
a list of persons waiting, as for reservations, appointments, living accommodations, or admissions to a school
I am on the waiting list for the class.
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