Listening Time-Book 1 Unit 18 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
at the back of
The swimming pool is behind the house.
a brush is used to paint, clean, or groom
I can't remember where I put my hair brush.
to free something of dirt or other unwanted parts or pieces
I cleaned my room before going out with my friends.
cut out
to exclude something
Carefully cut out the shapes with scissors.
the part of a room, or someplace similar, that forms the lower surface upon which people walk on
My brother and I swept and mopped the floor.
to bend a piece of paper or cloth and press one part of it over another part
I folded the paper so no one could see what I wrote.
to put something in a place so that no one can find it
I hid my letter so nobody can find it, but I can't find it as well!
untidy, sloppy
Her desk was always messy; she had paper everywhere.
a rectangle having all four sides of equal length
The table was in the shape of a square.
being covered in or made of a substance that can attach to different surfaces
When candy melts, it can get sticky.
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선생님들이 만드신 30만개 단어장 검색하기 〉
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