Listening Success-Book 5 Unit 04 (E)
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not present; missing from where you should be
He was absent from school for the first time all year.
something good that you have successfully done
Winning a gold medal is my greatest achievement.
to be present
If students do not attend 80 percent of their lectures every term, they will be thrown out of university.
the state of something
The apartment was in good condition when we moved in.
due to
on account of
due to the chance of thunderstorms, the game will be postponed until tomorrow.
the process of learning at a school or university and the knowledge received from it
Getting a good education is important for a person's life.
of or about the natural world in which plants and animals live
Many schools are teaching their students to become more aware of environmental issues.
a set amount of time defined by the events that take place between the start and end
Most public and private schools have six periods in a day.
to make something stronger, fresher, or like new
After 25 years of marriage, the couple renewed their vows at a small ceremony in Hawaii.
a person gives private instruction to a student
She is looking for a new English tutor.
가장 빠르게 암기하도록 도와주는 암기학습 〉
제대로 외웠나 바로 확인하는 리콜학습 〉
철자까지 외우려면 스펠학습 〉
재미있게 복습하려면 매칭 게임 〉
주관식으로도 재미있는 복습, 크래시 게임 〉
수업 중 이 단어장을 보고 듣고 질문하는 슬라이드 〉
수업시간이 들썩 들썩 퀴즈배틀 (로그인) 〉
클릭만으로 종이낭비 없이 시험지 인쇄 (로그인) 〉
필요한 세트를 직접 만드는 단어장 만들기 (로그인) 〉
선생님들이 만드신 30만개 단어장 검색하기 〉
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