Listening Success-Book 4 Unit 12 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
extra; a greater amount than is usual
Any additional material can be used to make a bag.
a decrease in the regular price
The restaruant gave us a small discount because we were not happy with their service.
fill up
an act or instance of filling up with something such as fuel
filling up a bathtub needs a lot of water.
of late; recently; not long since
I haven't been feeling so well lately.
weighing only a little or less than average
Laptop computers are so lightweight that they're easy to take everywhere.
the act of buying something
I need to get some money because later I am going to the shopping center to make some purchases.
deserving of one's trust, dependable
My best friend is very reliable with even the menial tasks I ask him to do.
producing sudden, strong, and deep emotion or excitement
The movie was absolutely thrilling.
fitting closely against the body, often in an uncomfortable way
The shirt fit tight across the shoulders.
to have a particular amount of weight
I weighed 78kgs. When I was in high school.
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