Listening Success-Book 2 Unit 07 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a person, usually an entertainer, who is known by many people; a famous person
Most celebrities do not live normal lives like the rest of us.
the scientific study of the structure of substances and of the way that they react with other substances
chemistry is a difficult subject, but it is very interesting.
a medical procedure in which a doctor removes or repairs a damaged part of someone's body
The operation on her spine was successful.
to do something to entertain an audience, such as singing a song, acting a part, playing an instrument, etc.
Minnie is going to perform her dance at the talent show at school.
of a period of time not long ago
We recently had a severe storm.
to identify or remember someone or something from past knowledge or experience
I didn’t recognize Sue at first, but when she talked, I knew that it was her.
occurring at an established frequency
We receive a newspaper on a regular basis.
to get something new to put in the place of something that is old, broken or missing
We are going to replace the carpet with hardwood this week.
doctor who performs surgery
A surgeon must go to school for many years before they can treat people.
(informal) being very strange, difficult to explain, and unusual
That guy always says something weird at the wrong time.
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