Listening Success-Book 1 Unit 11 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
being farthest from the front
The back of his hat has a stain on it.
the point at which two sides, lines, roads or edges come together
I bumped my leg on the corner of the table.
department store
a large shop divided into several different parts, each of which sells different things
The department store was filled with many people.
at or to a great distance
Tom's house is far from the main city.
something regarded with special favor or liking
My favorite color is blue.
the part of something that faces forward; part that is seen first
The boy at the front of the line is leading the others.
a long narrow space that leads from one part of a house or building to another
Go down the hall to the kitchen and get me a drink.
to go by or beyond something
After you pass the grocery store, go two more blocks and then make a left.
(plural) a set of steps that go from one level of a building or structure to another level
These stairs are very steep.
A street is a road in a city, town, or village, usually with houses along it.
Every afternoon, she would take her dog for a walk down her busy street.
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