Listening Practice through Dictation-Book 4 Unit 07 (E)
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a game or a race
The girls had a contest to see who could jump higher.
to decide; to find the truth
It's difficult to determine if someone is telling the truth or not.
to bother people while they are trying to do something, or prevent them from continuing
No one likes to be disturbed when sleeping.
The frequency of something is the number of times that it happens.
The frequency of rainstorms is very high, especially during the spring.
impossible to see
The monster was invisible, nonetheless, the little girl was still terrified of it.
knock someone down
make somebody or something fall
The man knock him down when the thief was running away.
find size or quantity of something
Eratosthenes, the Greek librarian in Alexandria, was able to measure the circumference of Earth using simple geometry
device for converting sounds
The singer’s microphone broke and people could hardly hear him sing.
being able to control or influence people, events, or things
The president is the most powerful official in our government.
to lessen or decrease
I would like to reduce the amount of coffee I consume each day.
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클릭만으로 종이낭비 없이 시험지 인쇄 (로그인) 〉
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선생님들이 만드신 30만개 단어장 검색하기 〉
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