Listening Practice through Dictation-Book 3 Unit 39 (E)
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money in its physical form, such as metal coins or paper bills
Did you bring enough cash to pay for parking?
a person who is responsible for assisting customers at a store or guests at a hotel
A clerk works at a store.
the type of money that is used in a particular country
I couldn't buy anything on my trip because I didn't have any of that country's currency.
exchange rate
price of currency if exchanged
Can you tell me what the exchange rate is for the dollar?
relating to a particular place one is living in, referring to or something is happening in
Tom walked to the local shops and bought some food.
allowed or accepted by someone with authority
Spanish is the official language of Venezuela.
for each or every
The exchange rate is 200 bolivars per dollar.
a feeling of happiness or enjoyment
I get a lot of pleasure from watching my children grow.
somewhat; fairly
The instructions were rather complicated.
a statement listing what you have purchased or paid for and the amount you paid
Keep the receipt for the television you bought in case you need to return it.
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