Listening Practice through Dictation-Book 3 Unit 31 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
blood pressure
pressure exerted by blood
The nurse took my blood pressure and wrote it down on the chart.
a plan of eating and drinking less than usual to reduce one's weight or improve one's health
You can only eat vegetables on this diet.
a sickness in a person, animal or plant
You can only get this disease from contact with blood.
of cleanliness
My mom prepared food in hygienic conditions.
the amount of something that a person's body consumes
The doctor told me to reduce my intake of sugary foods.
relating to someone's body and not his or her mind or feelings
Frequent exercise will lead to good physical fitness.
the act of keeping something bad or dangerous from occurring
Taking aspirin is a prevention for heart attacks.
happening or done regularly or frequently
I had a routine check-up last month, and the doctor discovered that my blood pressure is a little high.
a condition in which there is a lack of something necessary
There's a shortage of food in Africa.
excellent, wonderful
I feel absolutely terrific today!
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