Listening Practice through Dictation-Book 3 Unit 25 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
the process or work of keeping financial accounts
He majored in accounting at university.
to regard something with wonder and appreciation
I admire the later paintings of Picasso more than his earlier works.
to give something to a particular person or thing
The teacher will assign each student a different book to read and report on to the class.
being so incredible as to make someone feel AWE
To build such a large church with no modern machinery was an awesome achievement.
very large; unusually large
The enormous machine did not fit through the door.
someone with special skill in a certain area and knows a lot about that area
The plant expert answered all our questions about growing plants.
paying of compliments to win favor
He told her she was beautiful, but it was just flattery.
something or someone that gives you an idea or gives you the desire to do something
His inspiration for his book came from his long walks along the beach.
being honest or brave, or having other qualities that people admire
Their love was very noble and pure.
a job that requires special skill or education to perform
Her parents were very happy that she decided to enter into the medical profession.
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