Listening Practice through Dictation-Book 3 Unit 13 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
the skill of making a movie
She studied cinematography for 4 years.
a large group of people in the same place
There was a large crowd of people at the game.
a state of great sadness, anxiety or pain
He was in great distress when he found out his wife was not coming back.
in a quick manner; without delay
She promptly falls in love with Garrison the hero.
to ease something, or release the tightness in something, such as a MUSCLE
She reminded herself to relax her shoulders.
a literary work, movie, ect. that is complete, but continues the narrative of a preceding work
I didn't care too much for the sequel to his book.
to use a sharp object to cut something into flat pieces
I carefully sliced the cheese and placed it on a platter.
special effect
an unusual and artificial image or sound used in movies and TV shows
That movie uses a lot of special effects.
to be all the way around something
We are going to surround the garden with a stone wall.
a certain way of doing something
There are several techniques for increasing the fuel efficiency of your car.
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