Listening Practice through Dictation-Book 3 Unit 12 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
hollow under arm
There's a slight pain under my arm between my ribs and my armpit.
a long thin weapon with a point at one end that is made to be shot from a BOW
The arrows were sharp at one end and decorated with bright colors at the other end.
having a hole or nothing inside
When the policeman knocked on the wall of the thief's apartment, he was surprised to fins it was hollow.
to do or make something the same way as someone or something else
The art students will try to imitate the style of the famous painter.
a measure of high or low a sound is
The pitch of her voice is so low, it is hard to hear her.
to fill a person's glass or cup with a drink
I can pour tea from the pot into a cup by holding the pot at an angle.
being good at doing something, as a result of training, experience and practice
A cat is a skillful hunter.
to remove something from an object by pressing the object firmly
Will you squeeze that tube of paste and see if there is any left?
thick thread
The string on my yo-yo broke.
to turn something, until it is firmly in place
He needed to tighten the lid on the bottle so the water would not come out.
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