Listening Practice through Dictation-Book 3 Unit 10 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
something good that you have successfully done
Winning a gold medal is my greatest achievement.
a hard, square piece of clay that has been baked and is used to build structures
Is this bridge made of brick or metal?
the scientific study of the structure of substances and of the way that they react with other substances
The teacher taught the students how to conduct different kinds of chemistry experiments.
a group of persons gathered for some goal or task
We have formed a committee to raise funds for the homeless shelter.
the act of building something
A new hotel is now under construction.
to make a choice after thinking about something
Sue still hasn't decided what she will eat for dinner.
powerful explosive
When mining, miners rely on dynamite to blast large portions of rock from the mine.
to grow in size or amount
The population has increased from 1.2 million to 1.8 million.
to create something through thought and reason
Many people have wanted to invent a flying machine.
pieces of writing, such as novels, stories, poems and plays that are regarded as excellent and important
She is studying literature at university so she has to read the works of famous authors.
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