Listening Practice through Dictation-Book 3 Unit 05 (E)
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to take things from several different areas or places and bring them together
The teacher asked me to collect the students' tests.
capable of producing the wanted result without wasting resources such as time, money or energy
The cook's work in the restaurant kitchen was very efficient.
a flowing of water that covers an area that normally remains dry
The heavy rains caused a flood that destroyed many houses in our town.
to gather crops from the fields after they are fully grown to be used, eaten, or sold
In the late summer we harvest the rice.
to flow over a brim or an edge
Tom left the tap on, now the bath is overflowing.
a tropical forest with evergreen trees
One of the largest rainforests in the world is in Brazil.
a class of animal that has a body temperature to match the outside temperature, skin covered with scales, and lays eggs
A snake is kind of reptile that has no arms or legs and moves by sliding along the ground.
to make something that is necessary or wanted available for use
The company supplied uniforms to the workers.
extremely scary
The movie was so terrifying I couldn’t go to sleep at night.
of or from the TROPICS
Fiji has a tropical climate, so it is quite humid.
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