Listening Practice through Dictation-Book 2 Unit 32 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
지루함, 권태, 지루한 일
I nearly died of boredom in the lecture.
the air taken in and out of one's lungs
Hold your breath for a moment when you take an x-ray, please.
to take air into and push it out of the lungs
Young frogs breathe air in water like fish do.
extending far beneath the surface of something
The river is not too deep. Let's swim across.
give off
to release
When it is hot, the brain tells the body to give off heat.
one of the two parts of the body that allows people to breathe by drawing in, holding, and pushing out air
Smoking causes lung cancer.
the food that is prepared to be eaten in one sitting, such as for dinner
The man is ordering a meal in a restaurant.
a gas that has no color or smell and is needed to support life
Hydrogen and oxygen make water.
the time when one relaxes, sleeps, or is inactive
You look tired. You had better take a rest.
to open the mouth very wide and take a deep breath, usually because of tiredness or boredom
We yawn when sleepy or bored.
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