Listening Practice through Dictation-Book 1 Unit 36 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a light vehicle with two wheels behind one another, powered by a circular motion of the rider's legs
They walk or ride a bicycle for a day.
to take or receive something, belonging to another, with the promise of returning it
Can I borrow a pencil? I didn't bring my pen.
concerning the environment
The process is designed to be environmentally friendly.
the tools, supplies, or materials needed to perform a task or activity
It doesn't work! I think our equipment’s too old.
having a smooth surface without changes in level
The woman is changing a flat tire.
in order to
as a means to
You have to do your best in order to succeed.
a drawing or picture of an area that shows where things such as rivers or roads are
Can you find our position on this map?
(plural: people) a human being; an individual
A composer is a person who writes music.
a thick, rubber ring, containing air, that covers the wheel of a vehicle
We had a flat tire during our trip.
to go from one place to another place
He has traveled almost all parts of the world.
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