Listening Express-Book 2 Unit 08 (E)
15 카드 | CompassPublishing
amusement park
a large area of land with machines to ride on, games, and food
Our class went to the amusement park together.
to watch or take care of a baby
I am going to babysit a movie star's baby.
a period of time when students don't go
Let's take a break for a few hours.
a place where children go to take part in different activities
There was an English camp during the winter break.
to take hold of; capture
Can you catch the ball?
change into
to change your clothes from one set to another
change into your swimming suit before we go to the beach.
an area covered with trees
There are many wild animals that live in the forest.
get up
to get out of bed
I get up at 6 o'clock in the morning.
to have a particular meaning or value
What does that word mean in Korean?
a thing or an event that is remembered
He never forgot it because of his excellent memory.
to come or go back from somewhere
My friend will return to the office tomorrow.
slumber party
a party at night attended by girls wearing pajamas before sleeping
She will going to have a slumber party on her birthday.
stay up
to remain awake
I want to stay up until the sun rises.
to use a board to stay on top of waves in the ocean
She learned to surf last year.
in a complete manner
You look like a totally new person in that suit.
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