Jazz English 3e-Book 1 Unit 04 (E)
26 카드 | CompassPublishing
a piece of equipment that is not necessary for a device to work properly but increases the value or improves the appearance
Many men use accessories like watches and cuff links when they get dressed.
hanging loosely
Circus clows typically wear baggy pants.
an agreement between people to do something in exchange for something else
The Woman made a bargain with the Cat.
brand name
a name given to a product or service
These days, many teenagers in Korea wear expensive brand name outdoor sports windbreakers.
A brand-new object is completely new.
If I had a million dollars, I would buy a brand-new house.
look around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular
I browsed though the catalog and found a cheap computer.
a person whose job it is to handle the exchange of physical money in a store or business
The cashier is counting the money.
convenience store
A convenience store is a shop which sells mainly food and which is usually open until late at night.
There’s a small convenience store next to my house.
customer service
Customer service refers to the way that companies behave towards their customers, for example how well they treat them.
I am not satisfied with the customer service.
having a defect
Her hearing was found to be slightly defective.
being costly; having a high price or value
The diamond is one of the hardest and most expensive stones in the world.
expensive and fashionable
Sue is going to a fancy dress party tonight.
frugal; thrifty
economical ; penny-pinching
Only a frugal man can save money.
any product that can be sold without a brand name
Would you like the generic drug or a name brand?
arguing about something before reaching an agreement, especially about the cost of something that you are buying.
Ella taught her how to haggle with used furniture dealers
great comfort as provided by expensive and beautiful possessions
We stayed at a luxurious resort on the beach.
novelty shop
a shop that sells miscellaneous articles appropriate as gifts
There are novelty shops that have goods and clothing that are humorous and also there are wood works that are very articulate.
a statement listing what you have purchased or paid for and the amount you paid
They always give me a receipt when I pay for my groceries at the market.
a reimbursement of money
The unsatisfied customer asked for a refund.
a compulsive shopper
I'm an online shopaholic!
If you splurge on something, you spend a lot of money, usually on things that you do not need.
Some people live modestly, but they like to splurge on a designer hand bag or shoes.
If you describe something as tacky, you dislike it because it is cheap and badly made or vulgar.
They thought it was downmarket and tacky.
a stingy person; miser
He is rich but such a tightwad.
Top-end products are expensive and of extremely high quality.
Many people are upgrading their mobiles to top-end models.
a stock of clothes belonging to a person
She would not allow her wardrobe to be searched.
window shopping
examine the shop windows
We can still go window shopping even though it's raining.
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